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Misery & Horror

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I'm sitting in the waiting room of my doctor's office. I don't have an appointment, but they said they could fit me in.

Last night, as I lay reading, a bug flew straight into my ear. It flew in, and it flapped its little wings directly against my eardrum as I thrashed around for some reason like an epileptic.

And then it died in there.

I tried washing it out and even tried a q-tip, but all I could get out was one leg. Which was a bigger leg than I was expecting, to be honest. Defeated, I had to go to sleep with a bug corpse in my ear. And it's not out yet. And I am so super sad.
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  1. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    I am also super sad for you. I hope you didn't mush it up against your eardrum when you went after it. Hopefully they have a curette or something to help you!
  2. Shlup's Avatar
    It did. I mashed it all up in there. The doctor had a nurse wash it out with warm water, hydrogen peroxide, and a little too much gusto.
  3. Parker's Avatar
  4. Pheesh's Avatar
    Should have used tweezers!
  5. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    smurfing WEIRD. glad you're hearing is okay, and that it wasn't some carnivorous ear wig.
  6. Remon's Avatar
    That must have been awful. Glad you're okay. I don't think I would have been able to endure that D:
  7. Shaibana's Avatar
    Omg just inmagining it makes me shiver :S
    that is so freaking gross and scarry D:
  8. Shlup's Avatar
    Thanks, people. It wasn't very fun to call the doctor's office and be all like "A bug flew in my ear and died. Can... can you get it out?" The operator made me repeat myself. xD
  9. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    It was recorded for posterity.
  10. Shaibana's Avatar
    haha that operater must be thinking: 'what the.. did i hear that right? are u serious?' xD
  11. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    Wow. You have the most amazing life.
  12. rubah's Avatar