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Parkers Poop Paradise

My gf just broke up with me.

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Come at me, ladies of eoff /smug
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  1. G13's Avatar
    Glad to see you're taking it well.
  2. Shaibana's Avatar
    ... ya, a little to well
  3. demondude's Avatar
    There are no ladies of eoff, it's just like a renaissance theater. There are only men and men dressed as women.
  4. Shaibana's Avatar
    .. .... .. now i feel offended
  5. Parker's Avatar
    in all seriousness i am p. depressed

    eoff girls are pretty hot at least the ones that are legal anyways
  6. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    Even the ones that aren't, just keep your hands away for a while
  7. Parker's Avatar
    im totally kidding. like i want e-cooties! ewww
  8. Madonna's Avatar
    Time to re-write history: you broke up with her.