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wy bother asking?

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so lately i started 'playing' habbo-hotel again and when a conversation became silent she asked me: 'do you know a nice song?'
so i though.. ya sure, ill show u what i like.

i like these kind of questions but i hate it when they ask... but are not open for things.
i gave her a japanese song from Utada Hikaru - Colors.
its a great song but inmediatly she said: 'ow well.. im not into japanese'

thats ok.. Japanese isnt that atrative to the western ppl :P so i gave her another song.. same artist, but english on what she answered: i prefer Adele... ..

i think its so stupid to ask for a song and say: i dnt want that, i want this!
i felt a bit offended becaus she asks, but wasnt open for anything outside her comfordzone.

so wy bother asking if u already know what u want?
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  1. demondude's Avatar
    Hang on hang on hang on

    Habbo Hotel?

    I am dissapoint.
  2. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    Pool's closed.
  3. Shaibana's Avatar
    ya im dissaopointed too.. Now u know how bored i got ^^