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Give me a Pencil!

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My job is in a pretty lousy neighborhood. I have beggars who come in regularly, strange young punks who hang out behind my shop late at night so it's kinda creepy to close and lock up, creeps who walk into my store and talk about magic and whatever- kinda scary.
In any event, some dude ran into my store all hyper. Didn't look like a customer so I was thinking "beggar. High."
He runs up to my desk and says, "Give me a pencil!"
So my mind started racing. [I]I sell pencils for 25 cents. Do I offer him one of those? Will he pay? Is he seriously asking me for a pencil instead of money or food or the opportunity to wash my windows for money and food?[/I]"
So I quickly snatched a pencil from a cup full of writing utencils and handed it to him.
Then he says, all fast and hyper, "I need some paper!"

Well, I had no idea what he wanted to write, but I didn't think twice before tearing a sheet out of my notebook and handing it to him.
Then he says, "I am going to draw Jesus in 8 seconds!"
He hands me a decent looking picture of Jesus. By the time I say, "Good job," he is almost out the door, waving and running off.

Nothing appeared to have been stolen.

The picture was cool.

The whole thing was crazy.
I think I'll display his work.
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  1. Jiro's Avatar
    Scan it and share! That's a crazy story xD
  2. NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
    What you don't know is that someone stole your kidney in those eight seconds.
  3. Shaibana's Avatar
    Lol @ the magic man...

    and lol at tje jezus-drawing-man..
    that has to be the most clueles minute in your live
  4. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    You're welcome. It took me forever to get that fast.
  5. TrollHunter's Avatar
    What. The. Crap.
  6. Pike's Avatar
    This is amazing.
  7. Pumpkin's Avatar
    Pencils are cool.
  8. Martyr's Avatar
    haha. I'll think about posting the drawing. Maybe.
  9. Shaibana's Avatar
    maybe is not good enough!! D: you HAVE to!!
  10. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    I have to say I'm pretty interested in seeing this picture. The closest thing I've ever had to this is the man who was handing out copies of his hand-drawn Jesus-flyer and talking to me/praying for me for an hour.

    It was a slow day.
  11. sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
    ^^ You just liked the attention.