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They call me Proto.

Life on Eyeson Island 3

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Hi again! It seems I make these blog posts too often, but people seem to enjoy them, so I'll continue to post them. Anyway, I've got a 50 image limit, so I'll try to get all the important events in this update, plus some small ones.

Let's start off with a phone call!

Oh, Shion and Sharky's daughter is all grown up now! She's ready to move into her own apartment at this point!

Let's see the family photos with Marie!


Young child.

She's all grown up by now!

The "Sharkson Family" Portraits.

Huxley thinks he might like Jessweeee♪, so I told him to go for it.

He's preparing to meet at the cafe!

Sadly, she doesn't show up...

However, he wants to give it another shot! So he heads for the beach with something he paid for!

A no-show again!

Ouch! Double rejected!

Oh, I get another call!

It's Jiro and Shorty! They have a baby!

It's a boy!

I named him Ben, courtesy of Fonzie's suggestion. :P

nico, PaperStar, and NicoStar! He's getting pretty big!

I'm taking care of Ben for Jiro. :P

Meanwhile in Mii News, Bones have discovered a quick and effective way to clean up a room!

Dat_Matt invites Freya, Proto, and Starlet for a gaming session on their 3DS's

Starlet and Zoidberg in a photoshoot.

Locky and HNB (Happy Noodle Boy).

Some of the European crew (plus Kiwi.)

Newmani at the beach.

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Updated 07-10-2014 at 03:51 AM by Agent Proto

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  1. Pumpkin's Avatar
    Yaay babies
  2. starlet's Avatar
    I was going to ask "why zoidberg?" But then I was like"why NOT Zoidberg!"