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They call me Proto.

Life on Eyeson Island 5

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I had my internet service shut down temporarily due to copyright infringement, but it's been settled and now my service is back up and working! So yay! Nothing exciting is really happening on Eyeson Island though. I had a failed proposal, and some other things.

Loony BoB takes his hand in proposing to Pike!

He does it at the amusement park.

Pike is a bit impatient for this ride to be over. Guess she wants to play video games instead!

Whoa! Ride malfunction!

Well, so much for that plan!

nico and Rantz are building a sandcastle together!

Looks like Calliope is the only one so far.

Sheena took this photo of Alayna spying on Plef's date with Tifa. Is she jealous?

Just like Aexoden in #eoff.

Aerith and Formy go on a vacation to Africa!

Freya is so athletic! I hear she wants to try fire-hooping next!

Locky and ToriJ had a huge fight apparently!

I get a call from Jiro and Shorty!

Sure, I love helping out parents who can't take care of their babies. :3

See, all happy!

Well, it looks like Squall and Riinoa are the perfect couple in this game. Too bad they're not actually dating in the game.

Loony BoB decides to help out ToriJ and Locky!

And just like that, they made up!

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  1. Pumpkin's Avatar
    Ugh the proposals are so DIFFICULT
  2. Christmas's Avatar
    Sux for Squall and Rinoa!
  3. Ayen's Avatar
    Woohoo! Go Loony BoB!