Trying to remember a feeling.
, 11-04-2014 at 10:02 AM (8195 Views)
Normally I really hate writing personal posts like this but my strong dislike of EoEO and the fact this topic doesn't feel quite "EoEO material" as well as posting it in the Writing Forum felt weird because it's a bit too personal and I feel that forum should stick to its primary focus.
So recently I came upon some writer's block with a novel I am working on and so I decided to shift gears and work on a different story instead until I recharge and have a chance to step back from it for a time to get a new view of the story and characters. The issue is the project I really want to work on has its own problems.
To make a long story short (too late) I'm trying to write down a short story idea I came up with several years ago that largely culminates my feelings about a relationship I had that ended disastrously for me. Obviously this story came from a dark place but time heals all wounds or at least creates good scar tissue and so I've been finding it difficult to write it because it lacks the raw feeling it had when I first came up with the idea for the story. I find I am being too analytical about the whole thing and now the story is going through the emotions but lacking the raw drive that made it something I actually wanted to write.
I'll probably move onto something else but I really wanted to work on this one. I just needed to vent my frustration I guess as I am not really looking for advice or support, just getting that feeling out I guess so I can focus more clearly on other things.Anyway, I think I'm going to crash for the night.