Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo: First Impressions
, 01-13-2015 at 06:58 PM (6456 Views)
So I've started reading this visual novel. Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo - one of the more popular visual novels made by the same company that made G-senjou no Maou.
I already regret starting it now when I have tons of exams and deadlines coming up because this visual novel is hard to put down. I like it a lot so far. The writing is glorious and some of the characters are just really lovable.
The story starts with our protagonist, Kenichi, reaching the town he grew up in long ago. He is apparently undergoing some sort of big exam, as his examiner, a somewhat strict guy who never ever changes his tone or expression, is with him and tells him that he is to live among the locals for his final exam.
Promptly, this girl shows up, apparently being the only other person taking this exam:
...and the examiner shoots her on the spot. They don't give much of a reason, but Kenichi thinks it may have been because she was late to the exam or something. What kills me is that the responses you can give to this little event.
Within less than three minutes of reading time you can already make the protagonist out to be a huge ass.
Anyways about the setting. It appears that this world has an interesting system of dealing with criminals, as some people run around with badges on their clothing that represent an "obligation" they have to follow. For rehabilitation purposes you see. There's a designated person, a "Special High Class Individual", to watch over the rehabilitee's progress and decide when they have fulfilled their duty - and god forbid the obligation is ever forgotten! The designated person this time is the examiner from before, and Kenichi is working to become one himself.
They also have authority over human rights, life and death of the rehabilitee. Smart system isn't it?
These obligations can go from simple things to ridiculous things. The three major ones I've interacted with so far is the "shut off between 7 PM and 7 AM" one, the "unconditionally follow your parent's orders" one and the "no physical or eye contact with males whatsoever" one. The latter being seemingly one of the harshest punishments of all.
That's mostly it about the setup. Now about the characters, I have to say Kenichi is smurfing great.
One hell of a catchphrase.
He manages to be delightful in his endless arrogance and you can't help but love the guy. He's snarky as all hell but never does he come off as unsympathetic for it.
"Sorry, I forgot you're an idiot."
The other characters are also great, especially the other male student, but I'm pushing it for a first impressions post. I'm not particularly far in yet so I can't say much for how the novel is laid out and I have no idea what's to come. All I can say is I really enjoy it so far.
I have been hammering the Print Screen button a bit though, so if you want a few more screenshots just click here.
How to make a good first impression in class, Kenichi-style:
Uzuki Sepia is the other male student I mentioned. He's awesome. Though a bit creepy. And I think he's coming on to Kenichi.
Finally, Houzuki is damn scary. He never changes his tone of speech and his reactions are completely unpredictable.
I think that'll be it for now. Cheers!