The Big Week
, 02-09-2015 at 12:15 PM (6207 Views)
Boy from Kansas coming through. Follow the yellow brick road! Follow the yellow brick road! Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road! We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!
What's up EoFF? We did it, IX just barely managed to crawl out with the win eliminating X-2 and butts were sore. Mine is still sore from the spanking Psychotic gave me. "No, Tori. That's a very bad Tori. Go to your room and think about what you've done!" It looks as though X fans are going to avenge that loss with X going over VI, and does anyone notice the V vote gap between them? Huh? Huh? FFV get to have the last word after all. My heel promos aside, I'm content with whoever wins, both deserve it. Some great games to play, if you haven't played them I recommend you change that as soon as possible. Some great stuff there.
Now, time to talk about my big week, well big by home alone standards anyway. Starting Sunday after Valentine's Day I will be in the next EoFF podcast, looking forward to that. It's my third podcast, but first EoFF podcast. I did a couple of podcasts with a game site called "NextGen" that you can check out if you follow my blog posts on here. This should be better because I have some experience under my belt now and the people know what they're doing. Also on Sunday, February 15, is the beginning of the When Worlds Collide and Gabrielle crossover event. For the first time ever Tori will meet Gabrielle in classic Xena/Hercules fashion, so if you've been following both fanfics, or just one of each, be sure to check out both that week as it will begin on Sunday with #17 of WWC, and end Monday with Gabrielle #6. Also don't forget to check out WWC #16 that was posted yesterday, and Gabrielle #5 that will be up later today. And if you want to catch the uncensored versions, check out When Worlds Collide official blog which also hosts both WWC and Gabrielle.
Fightburary 18th on ToriJ's Reviews I will be reviewing Soul Blade for the Sony PlayStation. This is a game that I played time and time again as a little kid and I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into it two whole decades later, so it's been a while. Also this week I will be looking at the original Mortal Kombat, that outta be a good one coming up. I'm seeing Jupiter Ascending that day, too. Have some McDonalds, pig out a little bit. A day just for me.
Thursday, February 19th is the world premiere of Armando's Commandos starring Armando, Madeira, and Kragen from WWC. That will also have ten issues running right into April. It will primarily take place in Isafaro and be focused on Armando's new group which made their introductions on WWC #16. Calm before the storm, as some people would say. This will mark the third mini-series, second WWC spinoff, and fourth story I finished. The TV format of writing suits me rather well. Maybe some day I should learn to write all the technical mumble jumble and just go from there. Who knows. Anyway, keep a look out for that, and I'll try to piece together a trailer for it at some point. May keep it simple this time. Don't want to be too American with my promotion.
Also, next month is Women's Month 2015! All about the ladies, and I got some good games lined up for the month of March to review. I know several people here will approve of at least two games on the list, not sure how public opinion goes on the other two, but we'll see soon enough. Don't want to get too ahead of myself since we still have Fightbruary to get through. God willing my fingers will survive the month.
And that concludes my Big Week. Hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. We need more bloggers on this side of the pond so I might try to make this a more common occurrence for me. We'll see. We'll see. Catch you all on the forums, or the comment section. Most likely the forums.