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Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels

Hate Plus... you're kidding, right?

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What... the... smurf...?

Why would you do that?


So in a nutshell, Hate Plus thought it was a wonderful idea to be a jerk to fast readers, by having it block itself for TWELVE smurfING HOURS after Day 1 ends until you can continue on to Day 2.


It's even a smurfing achievement to not skip any of these pointless waiting times over three goddamn playthroughs. Yes, I am serious.

You know what, I'll play along. Probably just this once, but at least this once. Probably not gonna keep going for long without just outright changing my system clock, but for now... fine. Have it your way, game. Excuse me while I start a different visual novel that doesn't have me smurfing wait for 12 hours before I can continue reading.


  1. Fox's Avatar
    I enjoyed this mechanic. I mean, I understand why it's annoying as all hell of course, but it was oddly immersive. And it certainly served to control the pacing!

    Then again I actually baked an actual cake for *Hyun-ae in the original Analogue, so maybe I'm just weird.
  2. Karifean's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fox
    I enjoyed this mechanic. I mean, I understand why it's annoying as all hell of course, but it was oddly immersive. And it certainly served to control the pacing!
    It certainly controlled the pacing, which is something I hated. As much as I like Hate Plus I would have enjoyed it more if I could've read it at my own pace rather than the one the developer deems appropriate. :/