*Getting* Vagrant Story
, 10-08-2016 at 07:53 PM (24240 Views)
Hi everyone! It's been more than a while. Graduated College, trying to find work, you know how that goes. It's funny that my first forum post in so long isn't about FFXV, but about a 16 year old game that all of 20 people have played.
So for about 4 years (on and off), I struggled through Vagrant Story, every time I felt like I understood its mechanics, I would immediately be thrown back down to earth with a new enemy type (screw the gremlins, the little Satan-spawns). Somehow, I miraculously beat Guildenstern about two months ago (blowing all of my PP with Phantom Pain, and using Raging Ache), and after pouring through a couple of GameFAQs to figure out what the hell I was missing a couple weeks ago, I blew through the game's NG+ in a weekend, .
Holy crap you guys, I don't think there's a more satisfying experience than realizing that a game you thought was just timed button hits and leveling up your weapons is actually a game about min-maxing your gear for a specific opponent, needing to know when to set buffs and what stat necessarily needs buffing. Elemental affinities were way more important than I thought, because I never knew that an enemy's elemental resistance can seriously nerf your attacks, same with the weapon type. I had so much fun this time around that I want to try to go through the game again with a clean save and see the game's difficulty through a new light.
(I still have no clue how forging weapons works though)
But anyway, I just wanted to gush about the mechanics of this weird-wonderful-unorthodox-amazing game.