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The Election!

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This actually has not much to do with us Canadians per se. I mean after all, this is an election for the next American president!

But this happens to be the first actual American election that I have actually followed a bit. So it is really exciting to me!

I just really want to see how things end up, and honestly I want to see peoples reactions, does the outcome severely affect anyone in some way?


  1. Fynn's Avatar
    Well, there's the VP being openly anti-LGBT in his policies. So you can expect marriage equality to go to hell.
  2. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn
    Well, there's the VP being openly anti-LGBT in his policies. So you can expect marriage equality to go to hell.
    I guess, the only thing you would be missing is the laws of marriage? Like the taxation and stuff, but if you and you're partner are really in love; why wouldn't you just do it anyways? (Be married and together)

    If you decide to split, make it a clean break? I don't know, I am certain there's always a way around stuff. It's not like like the LGTB community is something that just appeared in the world.

    Expectations are different from actual happenings though, so we will have to wait and see. It's going to be a long fight, but there are people who are going to help certain parties. Remember this is a democracy, right?

    Trump in the electoral race is probably a lot different than Trump President Elect. Probably.