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How is President Trump not some Americans' President?

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I don't want to sound like "captain obvious", but America voted this guy in. In my opinion the only person that had a greater chance to beat him, was Sanders and you voted him out. Now lets not get into a debate, although that's only because I'm not here for that.

But you know I love debates.

So I am going to debate these protests that are happening all over America, you can follow it on Twitter #NotMyPresident.

To me it just seems like whenever people don't like something, they end up with making a huge protest crying and complaining about the issue rather than making it work for them.

Let's take an example of an issue that happened in Toronto at the University of Toronto. There was some comments that a Professor made about gender neutral pronouns and these women made a giant deal, organized protests and it was a mess. Even after the university issued the professor a written letter stating he must respect the universities rules and code of conduct, they still went and pushed further.

Here's a short summary in the form of an opinion article in the Globe and Mail:

The students had reason to do it, but the way the went about dealing with the matter was really for their own ego and feelings of self worth. It's a little bit of a far stretch to make these claims but it's as if they don't know when to stop.

But back to this #NotMyPresident debacle. Just because these people didn't get their way, they're going to cry about it? Trump hasn't even made a mistake yet and you are already giving up all faith.


So everything on the Canadian end is okay, the Leafs play Friday. Go Leafs Go.


  1. Fynn's Avatar
    Or you know

    Maybe some Americans are just frustrated that the candidate who got the majority of the popular vote didn't get elected because of the stupid electoral college thing

    And even if that wasn't the case, people have the right to complain, protest, and otherwise express their dissatisfaction with something they feel is wrong with their country. That's democracy
  2. charliepanayi's Avatar
    'To me it just seems like whenever people don't like something, they end up with making a huge protest crying and complaining about the issue rather than making it work for them.'

    Yeah, because that's how you bring about change. We wouldn't have achieved things like women's suffrage and the Civil Rights Act and same-sex marriage if not through protest.
  3. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn
    Or you know

    Maybe some Americans are just frustrated that the candidate who got the majority of the popular vote didn't get elected because of the stupid electoral college thing

    And even if that wasn't the case, people have the right to complain, protest, and otherwise express their dissatisfaction with something they feel is wrong with their country. That's democracy
    Okay, so do I. That's democracy.
  4. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi
    'To me it just seems like whenever people don't like something, they end up with making a huge protest crying and complaining about the issue rather than making it work for them.'

    Yeah, because that's how you bring about change. We wouldn't have achieved things like women's suffrage and the Civil Rights Act and same-sex marriage if not through protest.
    But the case I was talking about, the University already issued a letter and the petition against the professor and for the university was signed already by a number of the teaching faculty, i.e.. other Professors.

    Even after he was issued a letter, they still had protests, and continued to circulate through different media outlets. No one else committed this, and the professor in question had been dealt with appropriately. However I see your point, I just don't agree with how the students went about it for so long.
  5. krissy's Avatar
  6. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Umm what does this say? It's a bit backwards lol. What time did that first tweet get tweeted? What is he talking about in the second tweet?
  7. krissy's Avatar
    well, the first was after the recent protests. the second is 4 years ago, when obama was elected
  8. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Okay, so what are you saying?
  9. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Lol, oh wait I get it. I think he is talking about something totally different than what you are referring to, maybe. Then again we don't know what the hell is going on, I am pretty sure that was she on purpose. If we follow the events surrounding him, the election, and America; then we could have more insight to what he was probably referring to.