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It's the weekend, I want to take a break from the political stuff *sort of).

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So while I was reading about the meeting of the First Ladies (I know I just said I wouldn't talk about politics, don't worry it's just a mention!) they talked about the dresses they had picked to wear.

In the recent years, a lot of controversy has sparked over "why do you ask women what the wear and not the men?". As I read the article, it started to talk about the messages the clothes was trying to send.

And it kind of does make sense, also how the selection of dresses is more attuned with the artist that person has decided to work with. It's not to say that these two women are trying to communicate things through their clothes, but we can make inferences to their choices; I guess.

You can read more here;

It's not a sexist thing, and the female brain tends to be more diffusely organized; as opposed to males; which are more specific. For example, this is why men are better at looking at a map and giving directions.

It's not sexist, it's science.

It has been said that women are generally better at remembering routes. Bah I don't know, every person has a unique skill set.

All that I do know is that we are different and we should be treated as such. If you ever want to start qualifying peoples action based on predetermined rules, think of this; I am a male, with damage to my left hemisphere, front and back of the brain. I also have a diffuse axonal injury. So my masculine dominant traits are dormant, meaning they are there; I just enjoy doing (rather have to do) things differently than most males.
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  1. Fynn's Avatar
    The only scientifically proven difference between the male and female brain is the size of the corpus callosum, and nobody is really sure what that influences. The rest is pop science sensationalism and confirmation bias.
    Updated 11-14-2016 at 08:46 PM by Fynn
  2. Freya's Avatar
    I... what?

  3. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn
    The only scientifically proven difference between the male and female brain is the size of the corpus callosum, and nobody is really sure what that influences. The rest is pop science sensationalism and confirmation bias.
    Hahaha, man no. I am at a loss of words, do you honestly believe that?
  4. krissy's Avatar
    jenovajunkie, can you link a scientific paper that supports what you're trying to say?
  5. Fynn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jenovajunkie
    Hahaha, man no. I am at a loss of words, do you honestly believe that?
    Well, considering you're quoting The NY Times and I've written a whole MA thesis on the subject...

    Yeah, I guess you do you man. I mean, what could I possibly know that uncle google won't make you a better specialist at!
  6. jenovajunkie's Avatar
    ?? Really, google eh. Okay.

    Brain Sex - Mior and Jessel, 1989 (it's a book, not a scientific paper)

    Hey, how come women and men use different hormones? Is it social construction that women and men are better at certain things, that men can do certain tasks better and differently than women, and vice versa?

    Why is it on a neuropsychological test of IQ, men have consistently (not always) our preformed women in visuospatial, and women typically out preform men in verbal/linguistic?
    (Neuropsychological Assessment, Bigler, Howieson, Lesak, Tranel) <- this is a course textbook that I had read during my undergrad

    "More recently, fMRI has been used todemonstrate gender differences in language lateralizationwith females showing a greater bilateralization than males"
    Gender Differences in Brain Functional Organization During Verbal and Spatial Cognitive Challenges, Flor-Henry, Roles, Lind.) <-- That's my email, in case you don't want to talk here