The Final Fantasy Pilgrimage
, 10-05-2020 at 02:52 AM (14081 Views)
Hey everyone!
Lately I've been sucked away doing life stuff. I want to spare everyone the details. My main focus now is "The Quest to Play Final Fantasy" which I dubbed my Final Fantasy marathon. I want to update that list again and go over what I've played so far.
Before I do that I want to put it out there that I am actively trying to build a hub for other Final Fantasy fans to find their way to this website. From my short interactions with everyone here I've found this place to be very enjoyable to read about Final Fantasy & anything else in-between. The way I want to start this is by first starting a CWLS between players of Final Fantasy XIV & then from there I can explore other avenues to bridge the connections.
My current list of Final Fantasy titles:
Final Fantasy I PSP Complete Final Fantasy II PSP Complete Final Fantasy III Steam ver. Complete Final Fantasy IV Steam ver. Complete Final Fantasy IV After Years Final Fantasy V Steam ver. Complete Final Fantasy VI Steam ver. Complete Final Fantasy VII PS4 Complete Final Fantasy VII Remake Complete Final Fantasy VIII Remaster Complete Final Fantasy IX Steam ver. Complete Final Fantasy X PS4 In Progress Final Fantasy X-2 PS4 Final Fantasy XI** Final Fantasy XII Steam Final Fantasy XIII Steam ver Final Fantasy XIII-2 Steam ver Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns Steam ver Final Fantasy XIV (ARR, Stormblood, Shadowbringer)** In progress Final Fantasy XIV Steam ver Spin-Offs Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core Complete Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy Tactics Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Final Fantasy Type-0 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remaster
**Online games are not included in the list of the series because the way it is designed is to keep players playing month after month
*Side note: Final Fantasy IV After Years and Final Fantasy X-2 will be included in "The Quest to Play Final Fantasy" while the Final Fantasy VII compilation games will be optional.
I mentioned before that I think it would be cool to have a title that can be given to people who play through "Final Fantasy I to Final Fantasy XV, excluding Final Fantasy XI & Final Fantasy XIV". I think for now that title will be pending and there would be have to be a way to assess that someone's played through the entire series. If nothing happens I suppose it could be self-proclaimed. I'd actually be fine with that as well but I think it would be cool to meet other people who embark on this pilgrimage.
For me though, it won't end at Final Fantasy XV and it will continue into the spin-offs. I typically sprinkle my play throughs with other games to help keep me sane throughout the entire process. Ultimately, I would have played as much of the Final Fantasy titles as reasonably possible but this endeavor will dip into other titles as well. It's all a work in progress but at least I have a general idea with some specifics in mind to go towards to.