2 More notches under my belt
, 12-19-2020 at 09:50 PM (28737 Views)
So promptly after beating Final Fantasy X, I was able to beat Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus and Final Fantasy X-2!
So I'm finally on Final Fantasy XII!
I think I'll write a quick recap on Dirge of Cerberus & Final Fantasy X-2.
Dirge of Cerberus:
I don't really recall what the reception was for this when it was first released. I just remember picking it up and being excited because it was an expansion on Final Fantasy VII, one of my favorite titles. I'm not one to shy away from shooters, especially because I used to compete heavily in FPS games. Dirge of Cerberus isn't particularly difficult when it comes to shooters, but its definitely one of the wonkiest titles I've played in this genre.
It's definitely a skippable title if you're not into FFVII or like shooters. I think the bulk of the story can be watched from a Lets Play. I added it in because I played through Crisis Core and I thought it would flesh out the Final Fantasy VII portion well. Overall, it wasn't bad and was bearable for me.
Final Fantasy X-2:
It starts off really slow for me and a bit overwhelming because you're sort of thrust into this story. After CH1 or CH2, it starts to pick up for me because at this point I started to understand the mechanics a bit more. At this point, I started abusing the mechanics to try and create a decent end game party to beat the game. I wasn't too worried about trying to 100% the game because it was my first play through. I was delighted to find out there's a New Game Plus option that allows you to keep all your acquired items from a previous play through. I might revisit and try to gun for the 100% completion for this title.
X-2 was considerably easier than X, the difficulty doesn't ramp up at all. Everything runs smooth if you grind just enough to get by. Exploring the Dress Spheres was interesting, it reminded me of FF III and FFV with the different jobs. The battle system with how the turns are registered was interesting -- it's sort of like they were experimenting with a new "ATB"-type system. Although, I think I appreciated Final Fantasy X's battle system more than X-2's experimental one.
I didn't like the story at all but it did shed some light on Spira's lore. It sort of felt like a big bait for FFX fans. Maybe that thought will change if I see the true ending? I don't know.
Either way, the next journey will be in Final Fantasy XII.
I'm stoked!
...and then after XII, I'll probably be tackling the XIII trilogy.