, 01-28-2021 at 08:40 AM (80354 Views)
Oof, I've been a bit out of sorts with my mental health lately, and I think it's about time I do something about that. I've got a lot of balls in the air so to speak concerning projects I've been doing around the forum both past and present. So I'm thinking about tackling a few of them, but with how I've been feeling lately, I want some second opinions I guess. Of the projects I've abandoned, what should I work on next?
Here's where I'm at for the moment:
FFVI Retrospective - Part of the retrospective series I started, I'm currently at the sixth installment. This has actually been started, just needs to be finished, including hunting down all the images I wish to use. It may also surprise a few of you to know I've also started ones for VII and VIII as well.
FFV Let's Play - This may have to wait until my new controller comes in the mail but this is project where I just reached what I consider to be the best part of the game. This one is a bit tough for me though since each session involves a lot of research. In fact I do have enough content for a new entry at the moment so I could get that up while waiting for my new controller.
FFX-2 Let's Play - I got distracted by shiny new things like Sekiro, though making this a 100% playthrough has made it more aggravating than I would like. On the other hand, I am in Chapter 3, meaning I'm about halfway through the game at the moment. So maybe I should continue my suffering and restart this.
FFIII Let's Play - Despite what many may think, I do actually think about starting this back up. Like FFV, I still have all my screenshots for this and it's just a matter or going through them and coming up with some witty writing to go along with it.
WK's Top 100 List/Lost But not Forgotten List - I have four new entries at the moment I could do for these lists. They include a Zelda title, a SaGa title, a From Software title, and a SMT title. I may also include another Final Fantasy. In addition to this I also want to go back and rewrite a few entries on both lists. Mainly do some clean up on the blog entries since I'm notorious for not checking them for errors before posting them, but I also hope to rewrite a few articles I feel I did a poor job going into like Star Ocean 2, Pokemon Red/Blue, and a few arcade entries I felt I didn't due justice to. I may even spruce up more of the FF entries as well.
So of these projects what are people even remotely interested in?