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According to my page I have 78 blogs out of a total of 95.

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Should I stop, or should the blogs commence!

Edit: what.... the heck.
The blog count just dropped to 93.

What happened?
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  1. Værn's Avatar
    Maybe more people should blog :P
  2. Freya's Avatar
    And none of them have any worthwhile content in them lol
  3. Jiro's Avatar
    I would blog if I was interesting.
  4. TrollHunter's Avatar
    I would blog more if I didn't have Facebook to spam my useless information no one reads.
  5. Værn's Avatar
    I would blog if I had anything more interesting to comment on that random gaming shenanigans. Maybe I should start doing that just so there's more than just you posting blogs here :P
  6. Shaibana's Avatar
    would love to blog (some more) to, but... nothing worth blogging about happens in my life :P
  7. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    I don't blog so much as post things that I find interesting, if I feel that others should see it as well. But mostly on G+. I think the only thing I blogged here was about some depression.