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All I Want

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All I want in the whole world is for Bill Nye and Stephen Colbert to be married and for them to be my dads. And also for one or two powerful males to lust after me, even though we are for some reason forbidden to be together.

I'm not a greedy person.
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  1. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    All I want in the whole world is for Bill Nye and Stephen Colbert to be married and for them to be my dads.
    Don't we all?
  2. Peegee's Avatar
    but why bill nye
  3. Freya's Avatar
    He's the science guy duh.
  4. Tigmafuzz's Avatar

    Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Fred Rogers, Carl Sagan, and Bob Ross.
    If you don't admire these people then you don't deserve to breathe.
  5. Shlup's Avatar
    That's an awesome picture... Tigmafuzz(?). xD