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Black people cause all the problems

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  1. Shlup's Avatar
    I had to stop reading about halfway though because my desk started to crack where my head was slamming against it repeatedly.
  2. Yeargdribble's Avatar
    Wow... while I certainly have some opinions about black culture and the problems therein (markedly formed by the people and children I'm around daily), I certainly don't think it says anything about all people who happen to have that color of skin. Calling for genocide is a pretty much the cake taker of all bigotry. Pretty damned silly.

    I'm trying to decide how I feel about the Mayweather comment. While part of me wonders if it is coming from a sense of racial superiority, perhaps his has a point. I certainly despise any sort of affirmative action BS that ends up raising any one person up based on how they are different (race, gender, etc.) and how their difference makes them more surprising rather than simply on the merit of how good they are at something.

    I don't care about sports and don't follow them, but even I haven't been able to avoid hearing about Jeremy Lin. I don't know if he's any good, but it would make me sick to think that he's being singled out as some sort of phenom just because he's not the stereotypical race for the sport.
  3. Quindiana Jones's Avatar
    I laughed a lot. What an imbecile.

    Though I think she needs to do things more thoroughly. I think the world would be a better place without mankind at all. Who's with me? I know I'm right, you know I'm right, EVERYBODY knows I'm right.
  4. Psychotic's Avatar
    Let's just take the mask off this Recession Monster and see who you really are...

    Why, it was Black People all along! You pesky rascals! I should've known you'd be behind all of this!
  5. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
  6. SwordFox's Avatar
    I like how she totally goes to town with the battrout brigade calling for the eradication of black people then says that if people think she hates black people then they've "got her all wrong".

    O U.
  7. Hollycat's Avatar
    Holy tit dude, this chick isn't going to survive the month.