Final Fantasy VII[My most hated game, yet I can't get enough of it]
, 03-04-2012 at 09:17 AM (2725 Views)
Final Fantasy VII.
Everytime I hear these word I somehow get excited yet heartbroken. You see, I'm a person who wears her heart on her sleeve whenever it comes to anime or like FFVII. I just don't like the romance aspect of FFVII. It's left too ambigous.That's why I hate it because of the LTD great controversy.
I'm a person more inclined on the romance aspect of FFVII. That's why I get frustrated when it comes to the biggest debate in the world of FF.
But still, FFVII left me craving for more. The actions. (The bishies.)
But still for me, its the best. I believe it's the heaviest FF in the whole franchise. Especially because most of its theme is guit. But oh well, Cloud has gotten over that. Still isn't he cool?
>Why do I always keep rambling?
Anyway, I'm here to have fun so let's forget about what I just said!!