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Moral dilemma scenario

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You’re the captain of a small yacht. A group of media elites has rented your yacht for a private party. Mid-cruise, Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann get into a heated argument. Pushing and shoving ensues. Both fall overboard. The sea around them is rough and infested with sharks. Without quick action they’ll surely drown or be eaten. You only have one life preserver.

Hence, the conundrum.

Do you (a) open a nice bottle of wine, or (b) slip below deck to take in a movie?

(Hat tip.)
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  1. Clo's Avatar
    c) Try to figure out how to repeat this scenario with various other pundits
  2. Shlup's Avatar
    Can't I do both? I wanna do both right now, actually.
  3. Raistlin's Avatar
    Clo: yeah, some of the highest-rated comments in the original article involve throwing the rest of the media elite overboard.

    Shlup: sure, just buy a yacht!
  4. Madonna's Avatar
    Weasley, why is this your blog entry and not the article I shared with you? You do know you cause me to ask two consecutive questions when you do things like this, yes?

    Is the wine the life preserver? Because if I drink it, I would not trust myself with swimming in shark-infested waters and thus preserve my life. The justification sounds bad at first, but that is because you have not had a bottle of wine as well.
  5. Raistlin's Avatar
    Because I closed the window after you left as I was watching the new House episode, and then I was too lazy and tired to find the link again!
  6. Madonna's Avatar
    Ugh, you should indulge in earlier Hugh Laurie material, perhaps A Bit of Fry and Laurie? Blackadder II? Jeeves and Wooster? Good stuff, all of it.

    The link, sir: A Graphic Guide to Facebook Portraits | Fast Company
  7. Alive-Cat's Avatar
    The truly heroic thing to do would be to drink the bottle of wine as fast as you could then cork it back up and use that as an extra life preserver!
  8. Raistlin's Avatar
    That might make you a hero for those two blowhards, but not a hero for the rest of the country.
  9. Pheesh's Avatar
    I wasn't aware life preservers protected you from sharks anyway; unless I'm confused as to what a life preserver actually is.
  10. Raistlin's Avatar
    A life preserver is not protection from sharks, but it can help remove you from the water before sharks notice you.
  11. NeoCracker's Avatar
    Given it's my Yacht, I imagine I'd be smart enough to go to international waters, where I would film it to watch over and over again.

    Then, before I die, post the video on Youtube with as many different accounts as possible, and send it to as many you-tubers as possible.
  12. fire_of_avalon's Avatar
    I throw myself overboard for 1) being the captain of a smurfing yacht 2) inviting those two douchebags.