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Mr Twisticles

Isn't 'Blog' a funny word?

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Good evening, or morning or afternoon or night!

I have come to the conclusion that I am a busy boy!
My band; Looking Glass Diaries, are really hitting it hard now. We've been a full band for about 3 months and the guitarist and I have been writing music together for the band for a good year now.
We rehearse every thursday, which is good because there is stability and we also have 10 songs fully finished. Well, we have 13, but we have recorded 10 as a bedroom demo. The genius part of all of it is that we're going to the Legendary Leeders Farm to record our album in November. This will be spread out over 3 to 6 months. The first 4 tracks we're recording will be put on an E.P then they'll join the full album in the new year!
If anyone would ever like a copy let me know If you want to hear some rough recordings go to

I have a job interview tomorrow. Nervousface. I hope I'm not rubbish, it's for HMV so fingers crossed.

Anyway, talked your eyes out, ta for stopping by!
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  1. Shlup's Avatar
    I'm listening to your band right now! What instrument are you?

    In the first song the "whoa oh oh oh oh oh OOOOHHHHH" amused me. I likey! I would add your band as a MySpace friend but I do not have a MySpace.

    Good luck on your interview!
  2. Mr Twisticles's Avatar
    I be the singer! I'm glad you had a listen!