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They call me Proto.

EyesonFF on DeviantArt

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Okay, yesterday, with Freya's help and apparently the blessing of EoFF, I started the group! So far so good! It looks like we'll get a pretty slow start gaining members and all. I almost have all the artwork that I showcased in the features, and once that is finished, I can start on looking for some for next week's showcase. Right now, we're just looking for members! And we could possibly promote some to contributors in the group!

Speaking of members, the only person, other than myself and Freya, to join is Shauna! So congrats to her for being the first member!
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  1. Goldenboko's Avatar
    this is a really good idea. implementation of a a fanart section on the frontsite is the next logical step.
  2. Freya's Avatar
    My badge is so cool. I'm so proud of that thing!
  3. Agent Proto's Avatar
    Score, black orb recently joined the group!
  4. Jiro's Avatar
    Soon you will control the entirety of Deviant Art!