The Return of Crazyass Dreams featuring Jiro Dakoda
, 09-08-2012 at 03:59 AM (14532 Views)
Last night I had a crazy dream where I totally inceptioned my way to defeating the laws of physics.
Jiro was having some kind of EoFF meeting at his house, which happened to be nestled in the mountains of North Carolina Australia, where I also lived. So nine EoFFers, none of whom I can remember besides shion, piled in his mom's Jeep and went to his house. We were talking about something and everyone started to go to sleep, so I decided it was adventure time.
There was this huuuuge river down below Jiro's house so I walked alongside it for a while when I came to this place with a bunch of large boulders. I clambered on top of one and it began to float downstream. I enjoyed the ride and looked at everything. Then I decided it was getting late so then the boulder changed direction and started floating back up the river against the current.
I had a magic rock.
So then I walked back to Jiro's house and he made us some macaroni and cheese.
The end.