VII years now here!!! VII freaking years of my Eyes on this site!!! bigsmile:
, 09-16-2012 at 06:14 AM (20086 Views)
Dear Eoff and Eoffers and who this might concern,
I think I just have to make one of this every year!! Hahaha, the last one was in 2011. This has to be the only site in my life that I still frequent after 7 freaking years!!
I must say this site hasn't really lost its charm although it is not as active & vibrant as it used to be. It really can't be helped. There are just too many other games out there taking people away from the Final Fantasy series. I for one had stopped playing Final Fantasy after X-2! Opps!!
However, it is the friendly and helpful members around that keep it going. Willing to go the extra miles to help up with the staffs on the frontsite, forums, events...etc. and welcoming newbies with an open arm. This has to be one of the main reason why it is still surviving! You people rocks!!! Big Panda hug!!! Come here you all!!! Christmas hug hug!!!
The first person I knew from this site and I mentioned in my previous entries is still here!! JESWEEEEEE~~~~~!! Oh god you, never disappear from here!! There are just too many people for me to mention that I have a good times from the forums!! But I am glad some of you still remembers me!! I'm honored!!! And I remember all of you!!!
Hopefully this site can continue to strive and prosper!! As for all of you out there, dun leave and stay!!! It is a fun and awesome place!! One of the best place you will find on the internet with good and friendly people. Trust me!! Trust the PuPu!!!
Well, I dun want to blah blah too much so I think I will stop here. All the best to everyone and good luck!! You people are awesome and dun forget this place, ever.
Smile!!! Big smile!!
~~Christmas <3