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Man, I swear. If it's not one thing its another lately. This is more of me venting, so if you don't want to know about that or if you don't care, move along.

It's just been one thing after another lately, though.

Work has been terrible, lately. Writeups and stuff, for no real reason.

I take my car to get my oil changed, turns out I need new brakes. Yay. So a $25 oil change ends up being a $200 repair. Whoop.

My phones breaking. It doesn't like to receive text messages anymore. If it does, it gets them an hour or so late. It also likes to turn itself off.

My neighbors in this apartment suck. Friggin assholes that come home and blare polka at 2am. Honestly, it makes me want to let the air out of their tires.

They raised my rent for the apartment. Zzz.

I eat once a day, if that anymore. I can barely afford to eat. Gas is almost $4 a gallon. I drive about a half hour to work. Blah.

I don't sleep very well, these days. Stress due to money, etc.

To those who actually decided to read all of this...

How do you cope with it all?
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  1. Jiro's Avatar
    You just have to find something enjoyable and try to do that more often so you can de-stress. It's not good to get worked up, even if you have a valid reason. The easiest thing to fix would be your crappy neighbours and to do that just complain to the landlord or them directly. Get that sorted so you can sleep - that will make you feel better. Everything else will be tough but just hang in there!
  2. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    Lots of hobbies and vodka
  3. Citizen Bleys's Avatar
    You think things are bad now, wait until you meet Grendel.
  4. Tigmafuzz's Avatar
    Grendel? Man, I hate that guy. Always crying to his mother about one thing or another. "Mommy some guy ripped my arm off come out of the ocean and kill him for me."

    What a little .
  5. Beowulf's Avatar
    I think we need like buttons.
  6. Night Fury's Avatar
    This sucks. Like really sucks dude.
    Please try and eat more though, it's not good to not eat enough you'll make yourself sick.
    Couldn't you try and look for a job closer to home?