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are you kidding me?

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me and my boyfriend were walking through the fair when we suddenly saw a kid, 12 maybe 13 smoking a e-sigarette .. ..

seriously, where did those parents go wrong??
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  1. kotora's Avatar
    At least they ain't polluting their lungs by smoking
  2. Shaibana's Avatar
    yeah, but that doesnt make it right, he is still a nicotine addict... at 13
  3. rubah's Avatar
    I saw a kid with an e-cig once... he got into the same elevator as me, and I thought 'wtf, shouldn't be in school', but then I realized it was summer vacation.

    but as the elevator climbed, I realized he had tattoos all over his arms. 'wtf, he looks 15, is he in a gang already?'

    I think maybe he just looked really really baby young, but the idea of this e-cig smoking tattooed high schooler just keeps bubbling around in my head.
  4. Jiro's Avatar
    e-cigs might be a bit different but I can't understand anyone (western civilisation at least) who takes up something like smoking now in this era of access to information and widely advertised facts about the dangers of smoking. Like, seriously, is being "cool" and a "rebel" that important