123. The Four Archfiends all seem to have some form of a direct subordinate working for them that sometimes shares similarities with their respective...
381. The design for the Esper Phoenix in FFVI is actually based off an unused Amano design for an enemy of the same name that was supposed to be used...
43. I'm sure some fans forget this since you rarely see his full name given, but FFV continues the Highwind tradition, but in a fun inversion of the...
121. Since I am playing FFXI right now, ever wonder why Odin is associated with Dark Knights in XI? Likely as a callback to FFIV as the King of Baron...
I told you we were going somewhere special for Christmas, didn't I? Look, we're heading in the right direction, I can feel it. You just have to have a little faith. The pub is a stone's throw away, I just know it!