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    cool cool cool. now i am a bebop!?
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    what r ur fav cigarettes!?
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    Tournament has started.
    Morrigan is featured in The First round this time.
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    Nobody. I was banned like four years ago

    I visit every few months just to see what everyone's talking about. Same as here.
  7. /golfclaps

    who banned you?
  8. Yesterday, I think it was, or Friday we were talking to cloudday, and I wished you were there.

    And then I missed it all.
  9. Oh, you charmer, you.
  10. Have you listened to me sing yet?
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About Sylvie

Basic Information

Date of Birth
October 22, 1992 (32)
About Sylvie
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And finally sleeping like a damp rag, I dream of having control. I capture people with certain words that work like triggers. They flock to my churches, worship my actions, and at the end of the week, I light the churches on fire. Young women crawling away are bound with rope. Like I dreamt they would. And I feel what it is to discipline a fair virgin with sexual torture. Whoever escapes alive gets another week.
Drool spatters are more prominent than auditory expressions.
Screen Names
OdinDragoon, Genji
Date of last name change:
June 6, 2006
Chat Nicknames:
sylvie, syl
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08-03-2012 05:13 AM
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08-04-2012 10:14 PM
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  1. escobert escobert is offline

    cyka blyat

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  2. Jinx Jinx is offline

  3. Peegee Peegee is offline

    Your very own Pikachu!

  4. Quindiana Jones Quindiana Jones is offline

    Would sniff your fingers to be polite

    Quindiana Jones
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View Sylvie's Blog

Recent Entries

the statue that spoke

by Sylvie on 07-24-2012 at 03:52 AM
there was a statue that spoke, but it is never again speaking. there was a statue that spoke, but it is never again speaking. there was a statue that spoke, but it is never again speaking. there was a statue that spoke, but it is never again speaking. there was a statue that spoke, but it is never again speaking. there was a statue that spoke, but it is never again speaking. there was a statue that spoke, but it is never again speaking. there was a statue that spoke, but it is never again speaking.

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wet latex

by Sylvie on 06-17-2012 at 08:49 PM
Doctors ask you why. You don't know. And then you-- the people in my dream-- form into me. I'm spontaneous. The doctor asked why, but you don't know. This always happens at the end of your dreams.

You are taken to the examination room. That room label gave you bad vibes since you were a child. You're thrown face down against the medical bedding. The sleep illusions start shaking, meshing, blurring together. The examination room is too big. You endure a thorough and lubricated probing.

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I had a mesmerizing dream

by Sylvie on 06-10-2012 at 09:37 PM
I had trouble sleeping last night. When I finally got to sleep this morning, I found myself in a catatonic state of half-consciousness. I was awake and I was in the bed. But it started with me looking through the visor of blackness that were my eyes. I was without an entity; no body. I wondered if I was dead. Maybe I'd ascended. I then started to drift. I felt confused. It had come to my realization that I truly had no body, but I had three or four that I recognized, in different sectors of the

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earring stoppers

by Sylvie on 06-06-2012 at 03:57 PM
they are sold in packs of 81 in order to convince the wasteful mind that they don't need to be treasured. this train of thought goes on until they lose all of their earring stoppers. then they have to buy more.

An intelligent person should not have to buy more than one pack every 20 years. If this is how everyone thought, there would be no money made on earring stoppers. so people have to be influenced to be wasteful and uncaring about their "practically unlimited supply".

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