I found a stack of Triple Triad cards I had made a few years ago and taught my nephew how to play. He really likes it, I think.
Last year I was without a costume as I was travelling on Halloween (super fun, btw), so this year, I made up for it!
My parents and I left AR this morning to move me and my things to California. This afternoon, going through OKC, a semi hit the truck my mom and I were in.
It was pretty awful, but the only thing really damaged was the truck. Mom and I were banged up some, but nothing broken. Just bruises and scrapes.
Lola has caught a small reptile, similar to a lizard, called a skink. Specifically, this appears to be a female or juvenile five lined skink, albeit missing its tail.
She came in with it in her mouth, dropped it in the living room, and has been playing with it, letting it run a little ways away, then chasing and catching it again.
Except now she doesn't seem to have it. Oh god, am I going to step on lizard guts?! looooolaaaaaaaaaa