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    It's not, actually. I recently change my name from "Mr Shauna" to "Dat_Matt" when I made staff. When I made my subtitle "Formally Mr Shauna" I spelt it wrong. I meant "formerly". I just rolled with it.

    So I am being Classy.

    PS Click my signature. It's rad.
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    One day I may change my Profile Picture, but anytime the thought cross's my mind I get lazy and go do something else.

    And it's not so bad Maining Wario, what kills me is mostly just me playing so Sparingly I gain skill so slowly, so I end up getting my ass kicked regardless of who I run on 150CC. Been to busy with Child of Light, Watchdogs, and Murdered: Soul Suspect (Which is boring as hell by the way. ). Though now with Just Child of Light left to clear out, Perhaps I can get some actual time into it if Pikmin 3 doesn't suck me in first!

    And perhaps you are reading into it exactly enough.
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    I'll add you when I get back, I go by Chuggles.

    I tend to rock Wario, done so since the the N64. Though I find myself enjoying Rosalina in the Wiggle Worm Kart thing.

    I never played Kid Icarus, but I'm looking forward to rocking Palutina, and also I really want a Smash Bro's Anime to happen after that reveal. XD
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    I've enjoyed Mario Kart 8 thus far, though I've only got as far as clearing out all the cups on 100cc in first place.

    And I am so looking forward to SSB. Wont' be getting the 3DS version though, but oh god I'm excited for the WiiU's. <3

    After my game session tonight, I'll need to send you my info so we can play.
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    Working at a Sushi Restraunt, playing with a new Table top gaming group (One that seems like it wont' suddenly disperse over the course of a couple days due to half my group suddenly moving again, seriously, how the hell does that happen twice in a row?), and currently own every current gen console and hand held with the exception of the XBone.

    How has Evastio been? And for that matter where have you been?
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    lol sorry to disappoint I don't watch my little pony. I just googled funny pics / cool pics and it showed up haha. glad to see you're alright though
  7. View Conversation
    Great thanks, yourself? and yeah it's been yeaaars literally
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    Not even remotely any hard feelings on my end. I'm just talkin' about videogames, you've got to go to Loony_BoB-tier and fail to give X-Com due respect before I get invested.
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    Yeah, it just gets tiring after a couple of decades of hearing how Nintendo is doomed. I mean, I know in my post I said that kind of talk has been going on since the N64 days, but I remember when people were telling me that the SNES was doomed because of the Genesis.

    Anyway, I was more upset at the fact that the poster in question knows me somewhat, and chose to speak to me like I was some random fanboy when he knows that isn't the case. Glad you liked my post, regardless!
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    What if I do...?
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About Evastio
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Sorry, I can't reveal that
People should try to enjoy things for what they are, not for what they want them to be.
being Evastio
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I'm just known as Evastio
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The One With The Singing Four Fiends
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08-31-2014 09:31 PM
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08-12-2017 03:17 AM
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