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    I've been juggling a few ideas, and my wife has also proposed an intersting one to me, but then there came one that seems kinda... horrific? ANd considering I usually wrtie more of a slow, depressing horror, I feel like it could be a nice change of pace to write something like this. it should also be shorter than usual. So we'll see how that goes.

    It's good that you've got something to keep your mind occupied, though (probably necessary considering... some of the things that seem to pop up even here, I've noticed ). DQ's helped me in a very tough time, so I can definitely see how it would help you. I actually managed to write a little bit of my novel yesterday and it's helped me feel a little bit more satisfied and at ease, so who knows - maybe if you get back into writing, that can help you out too. Of course, the farther I get into my book, the more my idea evolves and the more things I see will need to be axed, added, or just altered altogether, so the first bare draft is still only really going to be the first baby step in a very long process.
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    Hope you're coping with the drama somehow! I'm here if you ever feel like you need to talk about it.

    I need to get back to DQXI, but seeing as how I've recently purchased Pillars of Eternity II, I might stay in this isometric Western RPG rabbit hole for a bit longer than expected
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    You might be the only one left on this site who knows about this game existence:
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    Sorry for taking so long to reply. Little guy's been feverish lately (probably because of the teeth), so I've had my hands full. So I've also had no time to write my story at all, so I was wondering if I could request that I'd be able to send it your way over the weekend instead of by Friday?

    So sorry if I won't address all the details. Honestly, I like the translation of the DQI locations, if ony because of how it connects to Tristan and Iseult and makes it all very reminiscent of old school folklore fantasy stuff. The Japanese have a weird relationship with borrowed words from English and other languages, and I often feel it's for the better when translators go for something that's more appropriate rather than literal. Can't say exactly how things went with Dharma Temple VS Alltrades Abbey, but I know that AA first came about as a translation in DQXI, and they most likely put it in to preserve whatever pun they had in Japanese for Jack of Alltrades and Master of Nu'un (plus, I have no info on this since my Japanese in basic, but Dharma itself may be a pun on something in Japanese, while also being relevant to this world's India-equivalent), so it's definitely a clever choice there - now whether it's good to retroactively retranslate it to that everywhere else is up for debate.

    I actually distinctly remember the phone version of DQIII having names that were definitely suggesting the country they were parodying? There was some pun on Rome for the Italy-inspired kingdom, and I can't remember whether the Japan equivalent was Zipang of Nihan (one of them is probably from Golden Sun), so there's definitely a pun on the various readings of Nihon going around here. That said, I still think I prefer some of the mosr punny names that stray further from the cultural influence than the other way around - it's one particular thing that's been bothering me in DQXI, honestly. They go out of their way to make every city a cultural stereotype of some real world location, up to over the top accents - think the Orkutsk segment in DQVIII but taken up to eleven. And then there's the cultural background they added with the localization that wasn't in the original, such as making one fisher village be over-the-top Hawaiian, up to everyone calling each other uncle and using the term Kahuna for a village elder which, upon learning this was never in the Japanese version and the Kahuna being a figure of religious significance in Hawaiian folklore, kinda just left a bad taste in my mouth, if I'm being honest. And you know, combine that with the fact the village's design or culture has zero to do with Hawaii other than a vaguely tropical climate and it's just... yeah. DQ localizations aren't perfect by any means. They're cool as parodies, but when it goes too far it just verges on being kind of in poor taste.

    I somehow totally spaced on you also playing DQIV, so that's cool to hear. The biggest weakness of that game to me is that the characters were the main selling point at the time, but since writing in games has advanced substantially since then, it's only become more and more dated. Like, III has the cool class system and quirky world, V has the generational story, etc., while with IV, all we get are character archetypes which, while still cool, were probably much more special back when this released on the NES.

    In my personal gaming news, I've beaten FFTA completely, including the corrupt Judges arc. While the game still holds a very special place in my heart, I found that chapter honestly very underwhelming? I've heard some people say back in the day that it was probably the best part of the game so I was looking forward to finally getting there and it just... wasn't. All the battles were super easy and the story that was there was nothing to write home about either. Cid was cool to play around with but with so little to do anymore that didn't really matter. I did start FFTA2 right after that though and holy hell, am I loving it. The story may be garbage, but in many ways this is just so much fun to play. The colors are so vibrant, the graphics in general are gorgeous, the music is amazing, and I just love how the battles are a bit speedier (and everyone gets AP after each mission!). It's just incredibly fun to play around with.

    Also finished Planescape: Torment and it was probably even more cathartic than when I first played it as a teen. It'd definitely one of the more ambitious stories in gaming overall and I sorta feel changed after that? Of course, I then started Baldur's Gate II and with my character being imported from the first game with the added new expansion pack, I am currently way too powerful. I'm expecting it won't be cakewalk for long, though.

    And my writing has been in a rut again, but I hope to get back to it soon. Still deliberating on trying to do my short story collection for NaNo, but I might as well just drop everything else and focus on my novel. We'll see.
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    VI is great, though I have no idea how the DS version differs from the original. I definitely had a blast with the DS version. I've actually been thinking of replaying VII myself, but with so many games, both replays and first plays, queued up on my list, I don't have the time for that now tbh. Almost done with the corrupt judges storyline in FFTA btw!
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    Yeah, now that I think about it, it carries over to DQXI too. V qualifies to an extent, as well. So pretty much the only ones that don't have it since IV are VI (where you're the child of a happily married royal couple, if estranged from them) and IX (where you're an angel). Not sure how X goes about it, though.
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    Yeah, DQIII is awesome. Great to hear you've been having fun with it.
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    I really want one, though it'll probably be a while before I can, but it definitely looks like a cool little system to have. I'm debating whether I would go for the regular switch or the Lite version, since I'd mostly be getting it for handheld purposes anyway, but then I still think it's better to have the option of docking it, not to mention all those cool Labo things that I think would be great for the kid. Then again, Lite is cheaper.
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    From what I know, message boards and blogs don't really count. It's more of a matter of having them published in a magazine or something. Remember this place or a private blog won't usually get a lot of traffic, so in the end it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. But if you want to be super safe about it and have an alternative, then by all means.

    Yeah, figured you'd prefer the authentic PC experience, but it's still great to know they did such a good job porting them. Honesly, the Switch person sounds enticing to me, if only because I always prefer it if I can play a game on the go.
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    Oh yeah, by the way, I heard that Baldur's Gate I and II, as well as Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale have released on consoles today and apparently they've done a really good job porting them over. So I thought I'd let you know, in case you'd be more inclined to take a stab at these on PS4 over your PC.
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Nowhere and Everywhere
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Games tha are distracting me from playing other games...

by Wolf Kanno on 12-10-2023 at 06:09 AM
Since I'm doing a marathon, I thought it would be fun to list the games that are distracting me from actually finishing said marathon.

FFXV ~ MGS: Peace Walker and SaGa Scarlet Graces
FFXIII ~ Breath of Fire 1-3 and MechCommander Gold
XIII-2 ~ Romancing Saga Re:Universe and FF: Opera Omnia

Will update more in the future...


by Wolf Kanno on 01-28-2021 at 07:40 AM
Oof, I've been a bit out of sorts with my mental health lately, and I think it's about time I do something about that. I've got a lot of balls in the air so to speak concerning projects I've been doing around the forum both past and present. So I'm thinking about tackling a few of them, but with how I've been feeling lately, I want some second opinions I guess. Of the projects I've abandoned, what should I work on next?

Here's where I'm at for the moment:

FFVI Retrospective

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WK's Top 100 Lost but Not Forgotten : Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

by Wolf Kanno on 05-24-2020 at 11:43 PM

I'm always split on these articles. So many of these games are great and I have retroactively said a few of them made the list, but occasionally something comes along that I really want to love but the game just won't let me. Tactics Ogre is in a weird place for me because the remake and the original are pretty different in some meaningful ways, so much of this review pertains to the remake due to having only played a little bit of the original.

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Updated 06-01-2020 at 09:44 PM by Wolf Kanno

Video Games

WK's Top 100's Lost but Not Forgotten List: Silent Hill 3

by Wolf Kanno on 05-03-2020 at 01:37 AM
Is this honestly the first non-RPG on this list?

Well I fell into the Silent Hill series rather late. By the time I had played the series, the "glory years" were over and fans were knee deep in Konami trying to take the series in a different direction without Team Silent. I was a huge fan of the first two entries of the series, being instantly sucked into the second entry and surprised how much I really enjoyed the first one. So it came as a bit

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WK's Top 100 Lost But Not Forgotten: SaGa Frontier 2

by Wolf Kanno on 04-05-2020 at 02:32 AM
I was having a serious reservation about whether I was going to add this to my Top 100 list or place it here. I decided it would go here for now, but part of me feels it could be like Demon's Souls and make the jump to My Top 100.

SaGa is a weird franchise. A JRPG series made for enthusiast who feel they've seen it all. From the Gameboy entries where you built a ragtag group filled with robots and monster to climb a tower/tree to visit

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Updated 05-04-2021 at 10:25 AM by Wolf Kanno

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