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    I think the funniest scene I’ve seen online is Roxas and Ventus just looking at each other one time and that’s it. That’s all the interaction they get.

    Reading about it a bit more, I think re:mind might actually be addressing some of those issues you had.
  2. View Conversation
    Yeah, this is why the “spin-offs” will always be superior
  3. View Conversation
    Ugh yeah, X-2 can get annoying if you forget where you left off. My recent playthrough really proved to me that I like that game a lot less than I’d thought
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    Hey, I’m here for the KH rants

    I mean, maybe that’s what is happening subconsciously, but I don’t think I really mind the improved accessibility. It’s great when more people can get into a franchise you love, and honestly DQVIII on 3DS was so engrossing for me because of all of its new QOL. And I know there’s a lot of long-time fans - like Tim Rogers with his legendary Kotaku review - that absolutely adore XI. Idk maybe I’m just more bothered than others by these things. It’s just that this really feels like vanilla Dragon Quest, at a point when we had V, VII and VIII that really went out of their way to bring us something really unique despite having a very familiar core. I feel like that’s when DQ really shines and when that sense of adventure that I love the series for is in full force. DQ’s story makes me feel like I’m going through the motions. Even past the halfway point [spoiled]when they hit you with a World of Ruin[/spoiler] it still doesn’t make me feel any more like I’m just going and ticking things off a checklist.

    That said, I still need to finish it, and I’d actually love to try it again if I ever get a switch and can play it portable. But as it is now, I am fairly underwhelmed and it definitely feels like I’m in a very small minority on this lol. I do wonder what you’ll think of this game once you inevitably try it
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    So it took me a while to admit this to myself but... I don’t think I like Dragon Quest XI so much. And it’s really weird because I don’t think it’s because it’s made more accessible. It’s probably because, despite the fact that the series has always relied on tradition, this one really feels like being derivative is it’s entirely essence. Like yeah I still don’t really like how the world map is since it feels very claustrophobic, but more importantly, almost every character, side quest and plot point feels to me like it’s really there to fulfill a quota rather than just be compelling on its own. The music really compounds this - there are very few original tracks, the majority is reused verbatim from older games, adding to that feeling that this game really has no identity of its own. Despite IX never really wowing me, this is the first time I actually feel the game would probably be better if those old, tired guys just retired already. I think this is the reason I’m having such a big problem finishing it. I thought it was maybe the fact that I have it on PC as I find it much easier to get sucked into a game on handheld but no - other PC games suck me in just fine.

    Although maybe that wasn’t quite fair. The party is fine, especially Sylvando who is really fresh for the series, but even though I like them all individually, the party just feels less organic and more like they’re there to fill quotas. They are fun, but I can’t help but feel like this is one of the least organic RPGs I’ve played.

    Sorry for the random rant lol. Felt I needed to vent to someone
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    Yeah, from what I’ve heard, that’s a big issue and honestly it just doesn’t make me excited for the story at all. I think this may stem from the fact that SE kind of shot themselves inbtgr foot with the non-numbered titles. You’ve got the more hardcore crowd like us who’ve played pretty much all the games and are invested in the characters and need a resolution for them, but then there’s the crowd that says “this is the first KH game in ten years!!!” That just doesn’t care about any of the other titles and just wants to have a fun romp around the worlds as Sora. That’s not even going into the newcomers, but since KH3 is this big budget AAA title, they needed it to cater to as many people as possible. The end result doesn’t look like it satisfies anyone from the groups I listed
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    Yeah, the keyhole business was cool but I never got on board with the Lanes Between in KHII. Good to hear they’re not bothering with a gimmick this time lol.

    Honestly the thing that put me off KHIII the most for now is just the fact that it is pretty much all just buildup for the final battle, which had been basically built up towards from BBS. Even II, which has probably the weakest plot, at least had some intrigue to it and made me wonder where it’s going but with III I’d be going in like “yep, we’re bringing back these characters and killing Xehanort dead. Just like we’ve been told over ten years ago”
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    Honestly, the main reason I like the story of DDD is that Sora gets set back so much and needs to finally grow again instead of just being the Pollyanna. I’m not sure III delivers on that potential yet, but hopefully I’ll learn soon enough.
  9. View Conversation
    Yeah I heard Twilight Town was gutted Do you have re:mind?
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Games tha are distracting me from playing other games...

by Wolf Kanno on 12-10-2023 at 06:09 AM
Since I'm doing a marathon, I thought it would be fun to list the games that are distracting me from actually finishing said marathon.

FFXV ~ MGS: Peace Walker and SaGa Scarlet Graces
FFXIII ~ Breath of Fire 1-3 and MechCommander Gold
XIII-2 ~ Romancing Saga Re:Universe and FF: Opera Omnia

Will update more in the future...


by Wolf Kanno on 01-28-2021 at 07:40 AM
Oof, I've been a bit out of sorts with my mental health lately, and I think it's about time I do something about that. I've got a lot of balls in the air so to speak concerning projects I've been doing around the forum both past and present. So I'm thinking about tackling a few of them, but with how I've been feeling lately, I want some second opinions I guess. Of the projects I've abandoned, what should I work on next?

Here's where I'm at for the moment:

FFVI Retrospective

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WK's Top 100 Lost but Not Forgotten : Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

by Wolf Kanno on 05-24-2020 at 11:43 PM

I'm always split on these articles. So many of these games are great and I have retroactively said a few of them made the list, but occasionally something comes along that I really want to love but the game just won't let me. Tactics Ogre is in a weird place for me because the remake and the original are pretty different in some meaningful ways, so much of this review pertains to the remake due to having only played a little bit of the original.

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Updated 06-01-2020 at 09:44 PM by Wolf Kanno

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WK's Top 100's Lost but Not Forgotten List: Silent Hill 3

by Wolf Kanno on 05-03-2020 at 01:37 AM
Is this honestly the first non-RPG on this list?

Well I fell into the Silent Hill series rather late. By the time I had played the series, the "glory years" were over and fans were knee deep in Konami trying to take the series in a different direction without Team Silent. I was a huge fan of the first two entries of the series, being instantly sucked into the second entry and surprised how much I really enjoyed the first one. So it came as a bit

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WK's Top 100 Lost But Not Forgotten: SaGa Frontier 2

by Wolf Kanno on 04-05-2020 at 02:32 AM
I was having a serious reservation about whether I was going to add this to my Top 100 list or place it here. I decided it would go here for now, but part of me feels it could be like Demon's Souls and make the jump to My Top 100.

SaGa is a weird franchise. A JRPG series made for enthusiast who feel they've seen it all. From the Gameboy entries where you built a ragtag group filled with robots and monster to climb a tower/tree to visit

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Updated 05-04-2021 at 10:25 AM by Wolf Kanno

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