But i miss that silly little bananna thing that was in GBM's And that pip one was legend
Actually, that's a good idea. It would stop people being able to put illegal material onto this forum from beyond the grave. (à la 'pares) I don't know why I didn't think of it before.
I'm not sure if it was a forum update, or the covert operations of those on staff.
Samuraid, your critically acclaimed forum update has made all the avatars and signatures of some of my favorite banned members invisible.
Then the blended spam will not be nasty but nice.
It can be enjoyed if given the right preperations.
Who doesn't? Blended spam is nasty stuff.
Sam, do you get mad about eating ham while drinking blended spam?
Not to mention Loony BoB
Draw the Drapes
One Hundred Chimneys