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    First Spicy Thai Chips, now Sriracha Hummus. Your wall is becoming a vortex of yumminess!

    (Yes, I was trying to rhyme Hummus and Yumminess)
  3. Speaking of Sriracha, I bought Sriracha hummus. :3
  4. That's how it seems, but then I just kept eating them, so I no sure. :x

    They were okay at first, but got REALLY tasty the more I ate them. I hope the Sriracha ones roll out nationwide, soon!
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    Hey! There's Spicy Thai chips on your wall. You need to share!
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    Good! That's what I was going for. Haha!
  7. You know those Sriracha chips you tried? I looked for them, but they didn't have them. I'm trying the Spicy Thai instead. They're pretty good!
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    what are you doing leave me alone
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    I see! We can chat tomorrow Goodnight!
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    I'm home now! Just getting into bed. Everything alright?
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 834
About Calliope

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About Calliope
Mrs. Lord of the Sheltered Ones/Keyboard Warrior
Sandbar of Defiance



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05-02-2022 03:52 PM
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08-08-2024 05:08 PM
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  1. Aulayna Aulayna is offline

    Local Florist

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  3. CloudDragon CloudDragon is offline

    Happy Hop!

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    Free Range Buffalo

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    toxic nerd noir

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  6. Quindiana Jones Quindiana Jones is offline

    Would sniff your fingers to be polite

    Quindiana Jones
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by Calliope on 01-06-2014 at 07:51 PM
I wonder if I gave everyone the wrong address, because I haven't received any Christmas cards yet

I got Rantz's (Rantz'?) though. Thanks Rantz!

The Sads.

by Calliope on 11-26-2013 at 08:33 PM
I'm a little melancholy because in the last fortnight, Del Murder, Miriel and Mikztsu have all been in Auckland and I have been unable to show them around
Personal Life

Crazy/In Love

by Calliope on 11-06-2013 at 05:38 AM
Ten years ago today, I was a teenager catching a bus at 5am to go meet some American hooligan at the airport. And look at us now! Who knew I would accidentally find a dashing, stubborn, and intelligent fellow who would check all the zoo/museum enclosures so I don't have to see any _________, make singing along to the radio the funniest thing ever, be able to find, identify and point out birds before I've even noticed them, and knock out a Dostoevsky like it ain't no thang? Certainly not me.

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by Calliope on 09-30-2013 at 03:44 AM
in my life right now is an obstacle designed to prevent me from starting to watch the final season of Breaking Bad

Dreaming (copy pasted from dream thread)

by Calliope on 05-12-2013 at 08:32 PM
I dreamt that Del and I were sitting at a bench eating lunch, and strangers kept coming up to us and asking for him to sign their copies of his bestselling memoir, and asking where his wife was. Then they would turn to me and ask me why I didn't have a real job or an education, and then Del kept telling them that it was because I kept asking people for handouts.

Calliope: Most Neurotic Member 2013