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    Ah, dammit. I knew I'd forget. >_<
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    I wouldn't really know as I've simply seen too little of our national team over the years and they get no press here so I have to make an active effort to keep up with what's going on... but I will say that Carlos Spencer was an absolute legend and with that in mind, I hope that what you're saying is not true. =x Haha.
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    You from South Africa?

    I don't watch it nearly as often as I used to because it's so difficult to watch the games over here unless I remember to wake up at around 7-8am on a Saturday - and I assure you, that's not a common thing for me! Let alone to actually remember, after waking up so early, that there is a game on. xD But yeah, when I eventually get back to NZ I will absolutely be watching every game once again, I'm sure. But will do everything I can to watch the World Cup!

    I support Auckland Blues (although haven't really seen them since I left around 10 years ago, so make of that what you will) and, of course, the All Blacks. Rugby overe here? Don't care for it, really. Football is king in this world.
  4. View Conversation
    Sorry for the spam, then!
  5. View Conversation
    So Chrome derped up and the message went through four times, or something.
  6. View Conversation
    You rock. The problem I was having has been pretty much resolved but reading your post has made me look back and now it's true. I don't regret a single thing.

    So thank you
  7. View Conversation
    I love that song.
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    I punched a supernova once.
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03-01-2020 04:57 AM
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  1. A Most Loved Man
  2. Clo Clo is offline

    bless this mess

  3. Parker Parker is offline

  4. Quindiana Jones Quindiana Jones is offline

    Would sniff your fingers to be polite

    Quindiana Jones
  5. Rianoa Rianoa is offline

    Singing all the things

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