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  1. View Conversation
    I like Aerith's new VA, not that we've had too many good ones in the past. Cloud's isn't bad, but you can tell he's sort of aping the old one. I think what bugs me more is how many veteran VA's are doing background characters.
  2. View Conversation
    It's been weird for certain. Not sure if I like Sephy's new English voice. It's just not menacing enough. The first encounter with a Sephy Clone was interesting.
  3. View Conversation
    I'll review your review if something comes up that doesn't make sense. It will be interesting to say the least.
  4. View Conversation
    I'm good with letting sleeping dogs lie. FFX is my second least favorite entry in the series, and while I've come around to VII, having SE try to piggyback a connection to X still irks me a bit.
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    I still feel it's pointless to connect the games. I mean FFX only had vague similarities to VII until X-2 seriously changed around a few things. I still feel like the presentation of the Farplane and Lifestream in their respective games are a bit too radically different to be similar enough to warrant a connection.
  6. View Conversation
    So they have the boy wonder's picture in the museum? I still find it weird.
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    No, but I've known about the connection for years and figured SE would get around to bringing it up again. I don't know the details, but considering how much the Remake demo alluded to the Compilation, I'm not surprised they would try to make that connection again. I still think it's a silly detail that hardly adds anything to either game outside of making fans of both games squee in joy.
  8. View Conversation
    Still feel it's a dumb idea but okay.
  9. View Conversation
    Well the jump to new tech meant they would have to change some things around just to better incorporate the better tech. I don't know, I'd be more interested if the Remake did pull a Rebuild and started to go off rails after awhile. Not like the later portions of the game couldn't use some rewrites like recruiting Cid or the Big Materia quest. I think the more interesting idea would be if you can save Aerith, but it means Tifa dies instead. That would be an interesting twist that can become connected to the dating minigame.
  10. View Conversation
    Sounds like it from your review. Those are some crazy changes. I'm conflicted, because while I always felt the remake would feature a lot of narrative changes from he original, part of this reeks like a Fix-it-Fic though, but it's still too early to tell where this is going.
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