Do you watch any streams sometimes?
That's what depression is basically. It takes negatives and makes them worse and it takes positives and makes them poo. I'm sorry you're going through it, but as someone who also suffers from it, I'm always here if you need to vent! I hope you feel better soon. I hope school goes well!
I obviously can't know exactly how you feel, but I am going through something similar. I have so much self hatred that it makes things much worse than they are, which in reality, is not that bad. I wish I could find a solution and I could share it with you but I don't know it just is what it is. I try to deal the best I can. It hasn't been long on the antidepressants so it could be they haven't taken effect. But with that said I would keep in touch with your doctor because antidepressants are fickle and until you find the right one for you, it can sometimes make things worse. So just make sure you keep in contact with him about what's going on. Or her
Ah well, I might just have to wait it out then!
Oh I see. That's rough. I hope you start feeling better. I'm starting to wonder about myself because for the past few weeks I have had zero energy and i'm always tired and my head and eyes hurt and I feel pretty weak. its starting to bug me. I figured I might just be a bit off but its been going on for a while now so I'm not sure
I'm doing oky Sorry to hear that. Do you need to talk?
Hey there! How are you?
Just don't like messing with it. Infolinks provided some other alternatives for payments so I'll check them out. Said they'd get back to me with approval in 48 hours.
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