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447 Visitor Messages

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    Not bad! Bought a house in Wilmslow, got engaged and have a fifteen-month-old son! So yeah, pretty busy!

    How about yourself?
  3. View Conversation
    Mr Hunter! It's only taken you five years to reply to my last VM

    Good to see your name pop up again!
  4. View Conversation
    Ah, congratulations for going to becoming a massage therapist!
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    Good to see you're still keeping up the with the training! What sort of work have you been doing these past few months?

    As for me, University is going well. I've had a really troutty May however. It seems as if everything transpired to just mess up, with two surgeries in the space of eight days, a funeral, and a whole heap of other annoying crap.. Just hoping June steadies the ship!
  6. View Conversation
    hey TrollHunter, what have you been up to? We haven't spoken for a long time!
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    Hunted a lot of trolls?
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    Heeeeey! How have you been!
  9. View Conversation
    It's nice that the melee scene is still growing, and PM is getting more new players as well. It took me a couple of years to find out about the competitive smash scene as well, even though I had been enjoying melee during all those years.

    Now I have a pretty big group of friends who play, though their skill levels vary quite a bit. There is about 8 people who have been playing seriously for about one year (some a little less) and still have a bit to learn, then there are 3 guys who are old hardcore veterans (one is among the best Marth mains in Sweden) who win 98% of the times we are playing with 1-3 stocks left. Then there are 2 other guys who are at almost exactly the same skill level as myself and it really is 50-50 whenever we play.

    ...did you see the Apex finals in PM by the way?
  10. View Conversation
    Ah, I see. So, you are relatively new to the competitive smash scene? Or is it just PM you're new to?

    I've been playing Melee for quite some time, but only very recently got into PM. Still, the Melee experience help out a lot in PM too.
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About TrollHunter

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Date of Birth
July 12
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statistics student
Data science intern
Weightlifting, hiking, photography
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  1. Bubba Bubba is offline

    Trial by Wombat

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    she'll steal your heart

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    Eggstreme Wheelie

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    Would sniff your fingers to be polite

    Quindiana Jones
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Just need to rant

by TrollHunter on 11-04-2013 at 10:25 PM
I'm not sure if it's because im quite irritable today or what but this email I just got simply annoys the crap out of me.
This was an email from my freshman seminar speech prof about the topic of our final speech.
For some reason the instructions piss me off, let's see if you can figure out why.

"With your team, you will write a speech that is reflective of how you were inspired by the movie viewed in class and present it in a final competition"


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And so a chapter nears its end

by TrollHunter on 12-18-2012 at 12:28 AM
So, I have some good news.
I was accepted into the university of colorado: Colorado Springs
This was my college of choice, and it's both affordable ($8000 tuition) and is just all around a fanfreakingbeautiful school. I compared schools in colorado for a good month for making my choice, and I'm glad my choice thought I was a pretty cool guy.

Now I just need to worry about the financial side.
Any tips I should know? Traps to look out for?
I know of the "Don't

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So, people need to shut up during movies

by TrollHunter on 10-13-2012 at 05:58 AM
Not in all cases obviously, if I'm watching say RoboVampire with some buddies of mine to MST3K the hell out of it that's an exception (but even then, talking to the point of not hearing the movie is still a big thing we avoid as a group). The thing is, I'm trying to watch Fantasia, and my mom and sister won't stop talking over it, completely disregarding the smurfs I give.
I'm just going to watch it on my computer with headphones... but I wish I didn't have to, as I much prefer our surround

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So, I feel great!

by TrollHunter on 09-20-2012 at 06:41 AM
Let me start with this: I just got my blue belt in Kung Fu after 2 months of training there. Blue belt is the 3rd belt, and I believe it's time I think if it's worth continuing.

In these 2 months, how I use/treat my body has changed entirely. My body doesn't feel like a burden, it just feels... right. I've learned how to use it properly, and I've started developing a lot of good habits just from taking Kung Fu. It's been a far more fun and challenging workout than when I used to go

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And everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

by TrollHunter on 06-27-2012 at 03:24 AM
Soooo, to make my inactivity even worse, there's a massive MASSIVE forest fire covering quite a lot of colorado springs right now, and it's very highly probable that my neighborhood will be evacuated.

The sky looks crazy though, it's scary/awesome.

But I don't even know where I'll be staying.
Just thought I'd bring that up.
I've gotta go master water bending now, toodles.