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130 Visitor Messages

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    Hey! Just wanted say I hope you had a great Christmas and I hope you and your daughter make a lot of great memories in 2015! Cheers!
  3. View Conversation
    No problem
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    Hey saw you were wanting healthier Paleo (keto fits in with that) recipies. Try I breathe, I'm hungry the site has stuff but even better, if you follow her twitter she's always posting up when paleo, keto or gluten free books go up for free on amazon.
  5. View Conversation
    You're still using the signature I made for you! Awwwwww! That SO just made my day.
  6. View Conversation
    nice to see you too noxy
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    I've been streaming The Walking Dead on Netflix ever since I got Netflix. Might stream Breaking Bad some day, too. I'll probably watch Sherlock first, though.
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    Descent. I am keeping myself busy with review stuff, site stuff, and writing stuff. I'm also trying to give up pop.

    How are you?
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    So, I realize that we haven't talked all that much. I decided to change that today. Get ready.

    Are you ready?

  10. View Conversation
    Whoa...that sucks. I understand tho, I've been in a hardspot before. Hopefully you got good friends & games to supported you. And i hope you get your daughter back asap.
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About noxious.sunshine

Basic Information

About noxious.sunshine
Real Name:
Where Dreams Go To Die.
Stepford Wife (sometimes a Server)
Cooking, Final Fantasy, My Kiddo, Music, sometimes Photoshopping things, etc...
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Favorite Final Fantasy:
I haff more than 1
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04-16-2022 09:41 AM
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05-18-2017 08:26 PM
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  1. Aulayna Aulayna is offline

    Local Florist

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    Resident Critic

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  4. Carl the Llama Carl the Llama is offline

    This could be Dangerous!

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    Carl the Llama
  5. Colonel Angus Colonel Angus is offline

    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich

    Colonel Angus
  6. Ghosteses
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    Steve Steve Steve Steve

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View noxious.sunshine's Blog

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by noxious.sunshine on 10-07-2015 at 11:51 PM

Once again, I apologize for lashing out and bashing eoffers for not doing more. It was very very wrong of me, and I honestly do feel really awful about it. My brain wasn't functioning properly from lack of sleep, being ill, and some other things going on. It's not an excuse and it doesn't make it okay, but all I can say is I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. And I hope y'all can forgive me, but I understand if not. Lesson learned: no more crowd funding attempts.

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by noxious.sunshine on 10-04-2015 at 01:18 PM
Hurricane, might have to evacuate, blah blah blah.

I must say I'm a bit disappointed and sad that more people didn't help us with my cat. I really appreciate everything everyone has done with sharing and the few who donated. I actually stayed in tears in and off for awhile over just that little bit.

But, I guess I don't have as many friends as I kind of thought I did (let's not kid ourselves, we know the majority of y'all hate me anyway). & yes, I do understand

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Cat Almost Died, Now We're Kinda Broke

by noxious.sunshine on 09-17-2015 at 09:12 PM
I really don't expect anyone to donate or help.

And I really hate that we're even doing this- it makes me feel pretty selfish and trout (in spite of some friends encouraging us to do so)..

But, here it is:

We really appreciate any and all help, if anyone does decide to donate (and this is the part where I -really- want to say "We'll pay you back, eventually")..

And of course, if anyone has

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We Are X

by noxious.sunshine on 10-15-2014 at 03:54 AM
I know .

I've talked about the concert to death.

But I still can't believe I got to see them.

X Japan is "that" band for me .. I've listened to their music religiously since 2001- when I was going through a really rough time in life and was being bullied nonstop..

I found their music and it just clicked. I fell in love. And I'd lock myself in my room and put their music on repeat and listen for hours. It was during the time when

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RIP In Peace, Nox

by noxious.sunshine on 07-21-2014 at 09:05 PM
My nerves are now officially shot.

They want to process these applications and do a rental and credit check.

My credit is shot all to Hell. So is Jay's. Our roommate is the only person with good credit.

I have no idea if they'll accept our applications. I've been on the verge of tears for the last hour. If we don't get this apartment, we're pretty well screwed.

We can stay here in this apartment, but then there's the problem of the dog. Which

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