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  1. View Conversation
    Going good. I developed a mental illness three years ago, and that's why I've been gone for as long as I have been. How about yourself?
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    Good to see you're still around. Now I just need maybee to come back and I'll be in business.
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    Yeah, once I get a bit of money again, I'm going onto Amazon and seeing if I can't find the game. It's one of the few RPGs I've never beaten that still kind of haunts me. Lol.
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    No, I thought I had screwed myself over with how I developed my party and gave it back to my friend, I didn't realize there was a trick to the Apollo fight, and he's basically invincible until a few rounds in.
  5. View Conversation
    Yeah, I had something like that happen to me in FFL2. Sucked too cause it happened in the dungeon before you fight Apollo. Still salty about not getting to finish that game.
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    I didn't grind a terrible amount in Albert's plot, just enough to learn the first weapon skill on the Rapier and Iron Sword, so I'm probably safe. Still, it's good to know that I should be careful about grinding.

    For S1, I found an actual list on GameFaqs that showed you what to eat so you can wind up with Tier 13 (out of 14) Salamand from just the creatures in the first world. The trick is exploiting how the game determined Tiers when you change class. Whichever monster is the highest tier will have it's tier level used to determine the final result. As long as you avoid feeding your high level monster any meat that will turn it into a class where there is no monster one level higher than it, then you can exploit the system to keep making a stronger monster until you get to the higher tiers even with weak creatures. What I didn't realize was how ridiculously high tier this thing was or I would not have done this cause having this monster this early has allowed me to wreck most of the bosses in this game, though that doesn't seem too hard to do with the other classes either.
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    So what you're saying is that I may have screwed myself out of some quests in Albert's story cause I spent some time grinding the guards that keep trying to capture you if you talk to them? Well that's interesting and I'll keep all that in mind.

    Yeah, in SaGa 1 I'm finishing up Byakko. Mutants are interesting but I'm a bit annoyed cause while my Mutant has some ungodly high stats, she stopped trying to learn new spells after the first world and even when she was learning them, she only ever wanted to change the one good spell she had. My Monster is also a bit OP at the moment cause I found out there was a way to raise them to the second highest rank in the first world. It's been an easier game overall over SaGa 2 which is the first and technically only SaGa game I've played before this year.
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    From the look of things, he was tapped to do both Chocobo Racing and Chocobo Dungeon 2's OSTs . He even had a third game he was working on as well so he was likely too busy. I mean he didn't compose Legend of Mana's OST either and that came out the same year as Saga Frontier 2, so he missed composing on two of his hallmark franchises.

    As for Unlimited SaGa, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm getting into. Sadly it's definitely one of those game mechanics where I feel the concept is intriguing, but it also seems kind of obvious it's going to have too many pitfalls as well. We'll wait and see, I'm heading into the last third of SF2 and I broke the halfway point in FFLegends.

    I've been wanting too dedicate more time to Romancing SaGa 1, and have been terribly tempted by its sequel now that it's almost five dollars cheaper thanks to the Golden Week sale going on in for PSN. Watching the trailer for the port, I'm slightly amused cause it looks like they updated the backgrounds, but didn't really touch the sprite work. Wonder if the Mobile/Steam ports of FFV/VI had something to do with that choice.
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    Fun fact: Cordelia only dies if you pick her for the infiltrate Alexia's gang mission. If you choose anyone else, she lives and becomes Wil's wife. At least that's what happened on my file. Kind of like that to be honest cause you don't often see those kind of choices in games, at least without the title being really heavy handed about it.

    I can see what you might mean about SF2 feeling different, from what I've seen and read about the series, the closes entry it has anything in common with is Romancing SaGa 2 due to both games being generational stories where you follow a family line as it tries to save the world. My own thoughts on SF2 at the moment is that it's biggest problem is that it had a lot of potential to be something amazing, and it kind of just falls short at every opportunity. Not to the point of being a bad game, but I feel if the cutscenes and story had been handled by someone like say... Yasumi Matsuno, this game would have had a richer narrative that would bring the political tale to life. The characters are all pretty interesting but the game is terrible about introducing them and dropping them from the plot.

    The battle system has some interesting ideas but duel battles drag on forever, but trying to gain new abilities within normal battles is like pulling teeth so they become a necessary evil. War battles are interesting, but they're too simple and too few to be much of a feature and more of a weird quirk in the game.

    The music isn't as catchy as Romancing SaGa's tunes, though I am starting to come around to it cause it's rare to find accordion music in gaming with a calypso vibe. Even then, I've come to the conclusion that Hamazu's best scores are his battle themes, and his regular themes leave much to be desired. Still none of it is a deal breaker, just minor annoyances. I could say the same thing about a game like Final Fantasy VIII. It's a fun game, but it has too many problems, the biggest one being that it never measures up to the potential of the ideas used as the basis for it.

    I am laughing cause I just picked up Unlimited SaGa and part of me is really curious to see if I'm going to dislike it as much as most people do, or if I'm going to gain some sick pleasure from how weird the whole thing is.
  10. View Conversation
    I'm curious to know which two SaGa games you disliked?
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Favorite Game Characters: Shadow

by Rez09 on 03-23-2016 at 08:40 PM
When I sat down to replay FFVI this year, I expected something new, as I decided to play through what was, essentially, a text / difficulty hack of the game, but the only thing I really came away with was the thing I least expected: a new a favorite character.

Shadow (Final Fantasy VI)

So, what changed here? Well, let's start with what didn't change: Shadow is a lot of fun to play with, and he's been tied for my favorite

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Awesome Games You Should Know About: RosenkreuzStilette

by Rez09 on 03-11-2016 at 08:10 PM
Sometimes I realize the amusing state of the Mega Man franchise, where the company doesn't particularly care about it, but fans and other developers (or the original dev) still do. It has created a franchise where fans are making better unofficial releases than Capcom is official ones, and, I have to say, I'm pretty okay with that. In fact, I'm so okay with it that I want to share one of these fan games with all of you today:


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Updated 03-12-2016 at 01:44 AM by Rez09


Favorite Game Characters: Aisha

by Rez09 on 03-09-2016 at 06:03 PM
Pumpkin's Character Appreciation posts reminded me of the old 'Favorite Game Character' thread, which was a lot of fun, so I figured I'd follow in her footsteps. So . . . glory to the olden times and good ideas! Let's kick this off with probably the newest person I could put on this list:

Aisha (Romancing SaGa)

In a way it is hard to pick a favorite character from the original Romancing SaGa, as the majority of the game's events that

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Days of PokePast - The Wonderful Art of Pokemon Generation 1

by Rez09 on 06-02-2015 at 07:55 PM

The Wonderful Art of Pokemon Generation 1

I love Pokemon Gen 1. I loved it when it came stateside in '98, and I love it still now, nearly two decades later. It is a strange, almost experimental feeling set of titles, defined by many odd quirks, bugs, and choices the developers ironed out in subsequent generations, and because of this, it, more so than any other generation in the series, has a distinct

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Days of PokePast - Top and Bottom Pokemon of Gen 1

by Rez09 on 05-31-2015 at 05:59 PM
Heyyyy, I found my way back to the blog section again finally, and DAMN did I fail my original goal! I even forgot everything I had intended to say about the Gen 1 games after I finished Yellow again. Man, I'm so awesome. >: D

That said though, I've always felt bad that I stated my intention to do something in this space and then simply ignored it right afterwards, especially since I did play through Pokemon Yellow again specifically for better perspective on the first generation.

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