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  1. View Conversation
    Hey! I really like your Persona 2 signature. I've yet to get around to them yet, but they look look great games!
  2. View Conversation
    I'm actually streaming my first playthrough of suikoden now, for some other guys. I usually start playing in the early afternoon GMT+1. Unless I work late, then I start close to midnight.
  3. View Conversation
    Maybe you should watch me when I livestream it so you can laugh at all my mistakes and tell me not to completely suck
  4. View Conversation
    Cool avatar. I'm actually playing Nocturne these days. For the first time. Failing miserably. Getting stuck in the sewers.
  5. View Conversation
    Haha don't mind the late reply, it's fine. Actually chatting with you like this kinda feels like old days when people used letters Few days between replies :x

    Doesn't really matter that the pairs changed does it? The whole point of the thread is pretty much to find someone to talk to occasionally imo. Not to mention my new partner doesn't respon at all / (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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    While London sure is one of the more expensive cities, I personally didn't find anything outrageously expensive so no complaining here.

    Yeah I am totally not looking to working full time when I graduate but oh well muniez.

    That is really the bigger part of why I don't enjoy Prague as much. Sure it's very pretty and historic city but the sheer amount of tourists and shops etc. that are there for tourism annoy me.

    Yeah I mean I still really like techonologies, I love reading about them and getting to understand them but I found out that I seriously don't want to be programmer or something so I decided to quit that. I don't really have much personal experience with economics so I will have to study extra hard my first year but I do have my parents to help me out if I need to so I should be fine.

    Not really a business of their own, but they are on the highest places of the firm they are working in. There is just the owner above my father.
  7. View Conversation
    Ohh, I love London! I've been there just once so far but I definitely want to visit it again.

    I see congrats on gratuating!

    Yeah Prague is nice for tourists but I myself don't really like it that much. Not that I live there but been there plenty of times.

    Well I've actually been in college last year but I dropped out since I didn't enjoy the IT. I actually went to IT high school but when it came to college level it somehow lost appeal to me. So I will be studying Economics and Management, which makes sense anyway since my mother is economist and my father is manager
  8. View Conversation
    Hey no prob.

    Where are you from? Where are you abroad and why? School? Work? Holidays?

    I see. I am kind of the same as you. I loved FFs ever since I can remember but IRL I don't know anyone who really enjoys FFs. So online community it is! It actually seems that I am the only Czech Republic resident on this forums too ._.

    I'm good! I am on holiday now but in a month and half I am starting college and I am looking forward to meet new people :x
  9. View Conversation
    Reji's are fun too since you would be surprised how many demons are impressed by silly card tricks.
  10. View Conversation

    Seems like we're partners for the next "Better Know an EoFFer".

    So how are you? I see that you joined really recently. Did you discover Final fantasies late or just found this forum now?
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