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    How is WA1 treating you?
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    Thank you! I'm going to try to!
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    Well get ready for a plethora of puzzle solving. If you've ever played Lufia or Golden Sun, its similar.
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    Yeah, its a very puzzle heavy series actually, so if you like Zelda, you'll feel right at home.
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    The force gauge is like a limit break meter. Each character will gain about four skills over the course of the plot. This meter slowly grows as battles take place and you get a huge chunk from taking damage. The skills you acquire consume a certain percentage of the meter, so currently you need 25% of the meter to use any of the characters special skills.

    Jack starts with Accelerator, which makes him go first in a round regardless of the enemies speed. Great for emergency healing/revival.
    Rudy gets Lock On, which raises the accuracy of his ARMS to 100% which becomes invaluable later on when you acquire weapons like the Bazooka and Grenade Launcher that do high damage but have abysmal accuracy.
    Celine starts with Mystic, which allows her to make an item's effect apply to the whole party, which is great for healing purposes.

    More skills will be acquired as you go but you always have access to all of the skills so if you have 50% Force Ability, you can either use a Lv. 2 skill once or a Lv.1 skill twice. Its a pretty neat mechanic once you get further in.
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    Jack's pretty fun and I love Hanpan. His chapter is also really fun. Celine's is the most challenging because its mostly plot driven and features some puzzle solving to figure out what you need to do. If you get stuck, I can help you out cause I love me some Wild Arms and I played this game not too long ago for my list.

    After you get a ways into the plot, make sure you wait around a bit during the title screen, there is a second opening that serves as a bit of a prologue for the game and features some epic music.
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    Lol im a bad drinker probably wouldnt like 1 sip of it
  8. View Conversation
    Oh hey pudgy bird.... fat moogle. Im alright nothing much. Not tried absinthe yet though lol how are you
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    Yup! Played both games, enjoyed them quite a bit.
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    Pinkasaurus Rex

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    card mod ur face

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    Blood In The Water

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