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    So how's FFT been treating you?
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    Just come to me if you ever need any help! I can provide you with a job tree if you want, but I figured you might want to figure out those jobs yourself first Wolf Kanno was a huge specialist on this game here, but he's left the forum for now, so I'll help you to the best of my ability
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    It's like, suppose you have Ramza as a squire and some chemist. Whenever a chemist performs an action, hm they gain say 4JP, and Ramza gains 1 or so JP to his chemist job, so when he switches to a chemist, he'll be a higher level, and you can use the chemist abilities that you teach him with those points. That means you always get the most JP if you're actually set on that particular job, but you get JP for that job otherwise anyway
  4. View Conversation
    Hmm... That's kind of a loaded question. I don't think there's anything particularly difficult at the beginning, and you should get the hang of it by the time things get complicated. Just keep in mind new jobs unlock when you gain job levels for the different jobs. Oh, here's a good tip - whenever a character gets JP for performing an action, the other participants receive a part of that JP to that specific job. This is important for grinding.
  5. View Conversation
    That's gonna be difficult, considering it's on Japanese cell phones only But the War of the Lions is amazing, you need to play it!
  6. View Conversation
    Well, basically for the reasons you mentioned While I don't think he is my number 1 character in FF in general (I'm honestly not sure who is), he certainly is my favorite in FFII, and when I joined I had just beaten II for the first time. I still think he's one of my favorite characters in the series, even if not number 1

    So I see your favorite is VIII. Good choice! I've always felt it didn't get the credit it deserved, but it turns out there's quite a bit of FFVIII fans around here. What other FFs do you like? Are there any in the main series that you haven't played yet?
  7. View Conversation
    Ha! You've actually recognized my character!

    You'd be surprised by how many people here know nothing at all about FFII.
  8. View Conversation
    Hello, new guy! I have come to welcome you here. Hope you enjoy your stay!
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August 10
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Long time FF fan, long time RPer. I'm pretty big on a wide genre of video games but RPGs top 'em all for me. I hope to get along with all of ya.
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Atmeaux Rabelais
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"And if all the world is but a song of swords and spells then where on the threads of fate must we lie?"


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