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131 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Thanks! I've actually seen this before - it's a very nice remix indeed!
  2. View Conversation
    How does it feel getting a Moogle Hug from an actual Moogle? These other members just can't compete
  3. View Conversation
    Heya. You can also message me on Skype or Discord, you know. Easier to get to me that way.

    You definitely have been a pretty positive influence on me for sure. I enjoy having you around.

    What I've found is that you have to actually hide certain details and exaggerate others. You don't need to tell employers everything, and you don't need to be entirely honest either. Landing the interview is the most important part. :P

    I haven't heard back, but I have two interviews on Monday and Tuesday. So things are looking pretty good right now! Do you have any plans for the weekend?
  4. View Conversation
    Well you should get a Switch and pick up Smash whenever it comes out!

    I think I feel kinda flattered that I've rubbed off on you :P I totally agree though. I usually dislike typing out "lol" because it really doesn't seem genuine most of the time.

    Yeah it can be really hard to find just have to stay dedicated and keep at it. Find ways to keep yourself busy.
  5. View Conversation
    Oh? I'm pretty competitive myself

    Yeah, Psy wanted to make him a thief character which is pretty cool. I'm looking forward to playing it too.

    It also seems kinda like my writing style is rubbing off on least in that message. I throw out a lot of "thoughs" and "hahas" when I write. Probably way too often. :P

    I've just been busy looking for work here at my house. Nailed an interview yesterday and have another one lined up for Tuesday. Just waiting to hear back from the one place I went to yesterday.

    How about you?
  6. View Conversation
    Sorry, I had been meaning to get back to you sooner.

    I'm sad to hear you didn't win. But at least you've got a great attitude about it And yeah, I guess me being active helped the cause!
  7. View Conversation
    Thanks, by the way. It means a lot to me that you're willing to hear me out and talk to me about things.
  8. View Conversation
    This is a lot more than a rough patch for me, though. This is probably the most depressed I've ever been.
  9. View Conversation
    Hope the results go well.

    I'm just really depressed. I'm moving back to my house for the summer and start a new troutty job on Monday. I should be optimistic, but all the confidence and energy I had is out the window right now.
  10. View Conversation
    How did the art contest go, Victoria?
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About Lyndis Highwind

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About Lyndis Highwind
Just a country bumpkin who loves to draw, cook and play video games.
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Favorite Final Fantasy:
IV and XV. I can't decide.
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11-04-2020 04:31 AM
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