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  1. View Conversation
    Oh I'm exactly the same way. But most dark stories usually end up with a positive message, or have a payoff to all the sadness and hardship that come with them. If everything were all sunshine and rainbows, you wouldn't be able to appreciate much of anything anymore. Sometimes you need to experience lows in order to appreciate your happiness that much more.

    Skyward Sword for example is one of those games that, while it didn't have dark themes like Majora's Mask or Twilight Princess, seriously made me tear up and feel genuinely sad. But that just made me love the game's story even more. It managed to make me feel something for a character, and that means they did something right.

    Good luck! I hope you enjoy it
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    How would a darker story have a negative effect on you? For me that's what a powerful story is all about. A story that makes you feel something is a well-told story.

    I haven't done an LP actually. I'm interested in streaming but I haven't really bothered to purchase any equipment and I also don't have the right setup to stream unfortunately.
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    It's okay.

    I probably shouldn't comment on XV too much. I did ultimately enjoy the game, but I have a fairly negative opinion of it overall.

    I can understand that about darker themes. To me, darker themes make a story much more realistic. Life isn't always happy and not every protagonist is going to be a completely good person. However, there's usually some positives to be found in a dark story. Which makes me appreciate them even more.

    Good luck I'm sure you'll do fine, as long as you feel confident in what you're working on.
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    XV? Linear? Ehh. It's kind of an open world game, and it's structured fairly poorly. I really dislike open world games as of late, haha.

    How come you don't like anti-heroes or dark themes? And what about her design puts you off? I personally happen to love games with darker themes and anti-heroes. I loved Berseria because it strayed away from the previous game Zestiria, which featured a heroic cast full of wholly-good heroes. Berseria's characters had a lot more depth and flaws, which made them so much more believable and ultimately enjoyable.

    Yeah I am too. I've had to avoid watching my favorite streamers because everyone is playing it. I can't wait to get it eventually though.

    Congrats! What is it that you're drawing?
  5. View Conversation
    Wow, they sounds like really fantastic siblings!
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    The games aren't like, RPG-levels of long either. I still have yet to play MGS4 and 5 which I'm looking forward to doing.

    So you've started XV, then?

    Thanks for reading my review The game does have a lot of flaws, but the story and characters were so good that it deserved its score. And while the gameplay was good but not spectacular, I really appreciate a series that keeps the things that make it what it is while attempting to innovate in other ways.

    I haven't got a Switch yet, sadly But I'm planning to next month.
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    You can play MGS1-4 on PS3. I was never really interested in them at first, but I thought MGS1 was incredible. And as soon as I moved onto It's honestly one of my favorite games of all time. Some of the stuff that goes on in that game is crazy, and I absolutely love it. :P

    Yeah, I'll pick up Cowboy Bebop at some point...eventually...I have no idea honestly. I've been too into gaming to watch anything but Twitch streams though.
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    It's all good. I guess you've been busy lately?

    The OST is so good. Fisherman's Horizon is one of the standouts to me. I really dig relaxing music like that from the FF series.

    You haven't played MGS? Seriously? C'mon Victoria. You have to. I'll even send you my copy if you want. :P And no I haven't watched Cowboy Bebop actually...but I've always been meaning to. I haven't watched much of anything lately to be honest. I've been meaning to get back to anime for awhile but just never get around to it. I might start watching some One Piece again though.
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    I'm excited to get back into VIII. I think as a whole, the game is super underrated and has one of the best soundtracks in the entire series. Super good game.

    Hardest final boss? Hm...That's kind of tough to say, haha. I think I would have to go with the final bosses of Metal Gear Solid 2. One of the trophies in the game requires you to beat the game on the hardest difficulty. It wasn't particularly difficult getting through the game normally, but one of the final bosses has an entire section of Metal Gear RAYs attacking you. You normally only have to kill 3-5 on the lowest difficulty, but on this difficulty you have to kill about 25 of them. You pretty much can't afford to get hit at all and have to defeat all of them or else you have to restart. It took me a few hours, but it was super rewarding when I finally beat it.

    I've never played The Last Story. And I'm not sure I ever will. How is it? I know Sakaguchi worked on it and I hope it's at least a good game.
  10. View Conversation
    Looks like I was wrong about getting the 100%'s taking me much longer than I expected.

    A lot of people dislike VIII, but it seems like you enjoyed it. That's cool I'm actually in the exact same boat with VIII as I am with IV. Got to the final boss and then never beat the game.

    Yeah the Ancient Cistern is fantastic. I haven't played the game since 2011, and with Breath of the Wild coming out next Friday...I might not get a chance to replay Skyward Sword anytime soon. We'll see. I'm happy you enjoyed it. It's definitely a great game.
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