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    Yeah it's definitely exciting. I'm a little nervous considering I start tomorrow. :P

    Can you show me? Or is it in your art thread? I'll check now in case haha. I guess the Lanayru Mine really is a bit overwhelming, but you'll get through it eventually. I believe in you. And you'll find work too, don't worry! What sort of jobs are you looking for?

    Mafia threads can be hard to follow, especially if you aren't keeping up with it or aren't really familar with the rules. Unfortunately this next game doesn't really matter to me considering I got kicked for being "inactive." Lul.
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    Yeah that's the bright side to it at least. I'm excited to finally have money again, but at the same time I can already tell that I'm going to be flat out exhausted every day as long as I have this job.

    We'll see, though. I'm optimistic. And thanks Victoria What have you been up to lately?

    Oh? You saw that I joined a new one?
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    Working on the assembly line at a car factory. The transportation still sucks, but it's not the end of the world. And I'll be working 6 days a week which means I'll be able to make a decent amount of money.

    The only thing is that I have to be really careful. My mom did this job and got injured a few years ago. I don't want that to happen to me :P
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    Thanks. I hope I do too haha. I want to do really well and even advance in the industry if I can.
  5. View Conversation
    I got the factory job, Victoria I start on Monday.
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    Yeah I never took an art class in high school either. Although now I kind of regret it. I wish I took a cooking class too. Either one would have been cool to expand my horizons a little bit.

    We'll see. I'm definitely considering it. Although I want to work through Uncharted 2 next, and I've actually felt like getting back into Halo again lately. But I think I want to play through Skyward Sword before Breath of the Wild comes out in a few months. I'll let you know.
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    It is a pretty involved game. And very time consuming. But it's fun to play too.

    As long as you stay confident and committed, I think you'll be alright If you find that you enjoy it despite the difficulty, then it's worth sticking it out.
    I actually did talk to my friend last night who showed me a few websites I could write for. I'll look into it this week.

    And you mean us playing through the game together? That would be fun! I'll see if I can. Right now I'm just wrapping up Uncharted 1.
  8. View Conversation
    Sorry for the late reply. Been busy with Mafia and stuff.

    That would be an awesome career to have Although perhaps you could maybe do that as a side project to start. Art is kind of difficult to make a career out of, so it's best to just do it a little bit at first to get a feel for it. Lots of people get burnt out from having to draw things every day.

    Haha I'll be sure to share some of mine with you when I write them. Who knows when that will happen. :P

    Ohhhh I loved the Lanayru mine. It's definitely long for sure, but the dungeon is amazing. I actually brought back my copy of Skyward Sword with me so I might start it soon myself!
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    Nah. I used to draw when I was a kid. I'm really bad at it haha.

    Is there anything in school you would like to continue studying? Any areas you're interested in? I do plan to go back myself some day...but I've tried three different programs now and had no drive to see them through to the end of a degree. Criminology for a semester, English/History for 2 years now. If I go back I will most likely do Journalism. But I want to make sure I get some experience in that field first before I commit to it.

    I'll be back in school someday. It all depends on how much money I can make with work :P I may just save up for a year or two before I decide to go back.
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    It's actually not hard to use, it's just difficult to be good at it. Although I guess you could say that about a lot of things. :P Do you draw?

    I hope they do make the Smash game good. It will be interesting because the next Smash isn't even confirmed, and it likely won't be made by Sakurai again. And nope, I don't play Smash 64. I don't think the game has aged well haha.

    Well I actually think I'm going to accept the job anyways. I only have to put up with the bad transportation for a few months until I can save up for a vehicle. So it's not going to be bad for a long time
    I'm sorry you can't afford it You're smart in waiting though. I've withdrawn twice now and wish I had just waited for awhile until I really felt like committing towards studying something.
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About Lyndis Highwind

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About Lyndis Highwind
Just a country bumpkin who loves to draw, cook and play video games.
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IV and XV. I can't decide.
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