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  1. View Conversation
    So, you'll be happy to hear that after blowing through Sonic Mania, I've given Sonic 3 another look, and I think I finally "get" it. My appreciation for it has definitely skyrocketed. I started typing out my impressions and how they changed, but it was getting too long for a message, so I'll post it as a Blog entry. I'll just say I really love Hydrocity now, and I'm working at getting better at the rest
  2. View Conversation
    Perhaps something to do with licensing costs? I know Nintendo owns pretty much everything to do with the DKC series going forward but maybe there's stipulations about reselling the original three without Rare (or whatever they really are now) getting some kind of cut. Same thing with the Square games.

    I think if you are only going to pick one DK game, then the first one deserves it. Yes, I like DKC2 better, but DKC was mind-blowing for little ol' me. it's still an excellent game. What Rare did was super impressive. Especially for reviving a dead character with a brand new game idea for said character. I think the DKC games are the best platformers on the SNES. Beating Mario at Mario's own thing is quite an accomplishment.

    I agree that they're dropping the ball a little bit though. NES retro collecting has sort of plateaued, and now the SNES generation of games are sky-rocketing in price. There's probably a pretty good sized market for people who want all those classic games on a classic feeling console without paying $70-$150 dollars for each game.

    Let's face it though, either way there won't be enough consoles to go around at release or for 6 months afterwards. Classic Nintendo.
  3. View Conversation
    Hey, we finally agree on something!

    So, what do you think of them putting DKC on the SNES classic versus DKC2? I see exactly where they're coming from, but seems like not everyone agrees.
  4. View Conversation
    Hmmm. I believe a pattern is emerging. What did you think of DKC3?
  5. View Conversation
    I'll concede that the Wii controls were a little wonky on occasion, but overall I thought it was a really strong, triumphant return for the series. What'd you think of DK 64?
  6. View Conversation
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Ganon
    Tropical Freeze was such a fantastic game. I almost can't believe it was made by the same people that did Returns.
    Are you saying you didn't like Donkey Kong Country Returns?
  7. View Conversation
  8. View Conversation
    You stealed my backloggery sig thing! Now we must duel
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
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October 25
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"Horticultural" retail w/occational management duties
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