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  1. View Conversation
    I got a lot of misc nonsense there!
  2. View Conversation
    Oh. Basically they added some cheats.
    But it is understandable that gamers nowadays want the express route for an old game.
  3. View Conversation
    Other than graphics, are there any additional contents for Chrono Cross remaster?
  4. View Conversation
    Oh god, i forgot I got a Switch too! What are some of the good games out there nowadays? I am so out of touch.
  5. View Conversation
    It has been very good! I was saving Spira from some vengeful spirit that pilots a giant insect robot! You?
  6. View Conversation
    I spent like a half an hour looking through those stuff. Completely mesmerising. I think those limited editions console would be worth a lot of money in the future! A lot of games like Double Dragon brings back so much memories!!

    You must be living in a relatively large house to store all these treasures!
  7. View Conversation
    I still can't post comments but those collections were awesome!!

    I saw the Bare Knuckles series!! Those were my first Sega 16 Bit!!
    No idea why they removed Adam later on in the series. He was my fav!

    I also saw those pistols for Virtual Cops. I remembered those were the hot stuff when I was a kid. We can only play around with it in arcade but you got it with you!? Wow!!

    Those games with Japanese text, did you import them from Japan or something?

    I can take all days look at them over and over again for details, man!!! Awesome collection!!
  8. View Conversation
    I was reading it just now but I can't seem to comment.

    I am like looking it at details on the retro stuff. lol
  9. View Conversation
    Although i dun play much of the resident evil series, but I know him due to the distinctive arm mutation!
    Do you have Ultima Weapon (FF VIII) Figurine btw?
  10. View Conversation
    Do you have a Nemesis' figurine? For some reason I am really fond of that oversized zombie.
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